Tag Archives: Product

What’s new in CXA? WooCommerce product blocks, Android options, B2B updates and extra

ActiveCampaign highlights a summary of each month’s releases so you can continue to scale with a platform that scales with you. What improvements and new features were released in November? Build B2B relationships that will grow your business. Promote unified sales experiences that build lasting customer relationships. B2B improvements include new account improvements. Differentiating your […]

How Social Commerce Product Discovery is Altering Holiday Shopping

The past 20 months have been transformative, to say the least. A paradigm shift from the traditional brick-and-mortar holiday shopping to a staggering rise of online eCommerce holiday shopping meant that brands needed to pivot quickly to reach consumers where they shop. The way consumers engage with brands has irrevocably changed over the past year, […]

Google Core Replace, Google Product Critiques Replace, Google Cell First Indexing, Algorithm Hell & 18 Years

One crazy week to end a crazy month of Google changes this is how this SEO video roundup can be summed up. Google completed the rollout of the November 2021 core update on Tuesday afternoon, November 30th. 60% of SEOs said they didn’t see any changes on this core update. One day later, on Wednesday, […]

Google product consultants don’t obtain any rating increase or rating secrets and techniques

Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that Google’s product experts are not given access to rankings or SEO secrets. These product experts also don’t get a ranking boost in Google search because they are a Google volunteer. Google Product experts are not Google employees, but people like you and me who volunteer their time to […]

How Roland managed to promote a product with interactive content material

Interactive content is able to change the marketing and sales strategies of a company significantly. Due to the multitude of possible shapes and forms, different companies can also use it to achieve the most specific goals. Roland is a Japanese manufacturer of electronic musical instruments ranging from synthesizers to electronic drum sets. They were able […]

How to Place Your Product in a Niche Market

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When you have a niche product — something that positions a unique value proposition to a customer — it can be hard to figure out your place in the product landscape and market competitively to your target customer. And despite the specificity of your business, you’re still likely to […]

Google search outcomes with product photos you possibly can rotate

Google can’t just show more now optically searchable Search results with much larger images, as announced at the Search On event, but also 3D product images that rotate directly in the search result snippet. I personally can’t reproduce this, but Saad AK posted a screencast of it in action Twitter: That seems to come from […]

Embedding Our Values and Causes in Our Product

Gegen Ende 2020 veranstaltete das Buffer-Engineering-Team eine zweitägige Hack-Veranstaltung, bei der das Team Ideen erforschte, die sowohl mit unseren persönlichen als auch mit unseren Unternehmenswerte. Obwohl wir bestrebt sind, unsere persönlichen und Unternehmenswerte in die Dinge einzubringen, die wir bauen, ist es manchmal gut, einen Schritt zurückzutreten und uns wirklich auf die Dinge zu konzentrieren, […]

16 Methods to Promote Your “Boring” Brand or Product on Social Media

Twenty years ago, if you said you worked in robo-advising, direct-to-consumer optometry, or mattress sales, you would probably be the least popular person at a dinner party. No offense but: booooring! Who invited you!? Get out! But things have changed: some of today’s hottest brands are centered around traditionally “boring” industries. Wealthsimple, Warby Parker and […]

Android character from Google Product Experts

Here is a photo of a gift that Google sent to some of the Google product experts. It is an Android character with the logo and name of Google Products Experts. That has to be a super limited edition. Congratulations to Ben for getting this and of course thank you for sharing it Twitter. This […]