How Roland managed to promote a product with interactive content material

Interactive content is able to change the marketing and sales strategies of a company significantly. Due to the multitude of possible shapes and forms, different companies can also use it to achieve the most specific goals.

Roland is a Japanese manufacturer of electronic musical instruments ranging from synthesizers to electronic drum sets. They were able to use interactive content to bring a particular product to more customers by delivering a high quality and immersive experience in their e-commerce.

Would you like to find out more about their approach? Then read below!

How Roland managed to sell out a stalled product with interactive content

The biggest challenge for Roland was to offer its customers the same experience in e-commerce as in a musical instrument store. That means getting to know the products up close and being able to convince yourself of their quality.

At the same time, the company had to focus its efforts on relocating a specific product, namely the VAD306 electronic drum kit. So both challenges were combined into one interactive content experience focuses on informing the audience and engaging in conversation.

The result was a landing page that focused exclusively on the VAD306. When scrolling the page, the visitor has the opportunity to click on various points on the product image to find out more about its technical specifications.

In other words, the experience is synonymous with going to a store and running your fingers over the product and learning every detail of it. At the bottom of the page there is the possibility to expand this sensory experience with videos of the VAD306 set in action by drummers.

How interactive content and ion make the difference

Roland used interactive content as a way to engage audiences in a very innovative way by delivering value through a product-focused experience. All of this was possible thanks to the use of ion, Rock’s tool that focuses on creating and organizing interactive content.

Then it’s important to describe how each Ion feature and Rock’s input was valuable to your success. See below for more details!

Different formats to choose from

There are no limits to creativity, even when creating interactive content. By using Ion as a creative tool, Roland was able to leverage the versatility of the platform to deliver the content they needed.

This is mainly because wide range of content formats available in ion. You can choose from several available templates or create a completely new one to suit your specific needs.

Easy access to support

Roland had access to Rock support in his daily dealings with Ion. The tool is pretty easy to use, but it’s worth going beyond the basics.

For those who use Ion, a Rock support team is available to answer questions and point out ways to perform specific tasks. In addition, an extensive knowledge database is available in the help area of ​​the platform.

Potential for starting conversations

Roland’s team aimed to get closer to his audience and, above all, to encourage dialogue with these people. After all, people from the music industry are used to talking about equipment when visiting a specialist shop.

Interactive content has proven to be very effective at encourage audience engagement. That way, these people no longer felt passive when faced with content that did not accept interaction. By being able to choose how the experience develops, they incorporate the conversation with the brand.

Fast adaptation and focus on scalability

Another important point about Ion is how easily the tool can be customized to meet the needs of Roland’s team. This enabled them to reserve a good part of their time for the most important thing, strategic content planning.

Everyone was very excited to dive headfirst into the possibilities of Ion. This meant a significantly greater use of the platform for the specifics of the company.

As you saw above, Roland was able to take advantage of interactive content for its marketing and sales strategy. This shows how such a solution can adapt to your specific needs and deliver actionable results.

Curious to try Ion for your business? Then take this opportunity to Request an Ion demo now!

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