Tag Archives: SEOs

Google Rating Volatility, Tons Of Google Bugs, Most Learn Articles, Bing Deep Search & High quality & SEOs Not Loving Google

We had two periods of Google Search ranking volatility this week, one last weekend and one on Thursday or so. Google court documents say search quality has improved and not degraded. Google dropped the see more results in the local panel this week for a period of time until it fixed that bug. Google also […]

How SEOs Use Link Knowledge In Google Search Console

How do you use the link data within Google Search Console? That is what John Mueller of Google asked earlier this month, and he got a nice list of uses for the link data within the Search Console. Personally, I rarely use it but when I was reviewing Search Console, I noticed my link count […]

Most SEOs Assume There Will Be One other Google Algorithm Replace By Years Finish

Most SEOs believe Google will push out another confirmed algorithm update before the end of the 2023 year – so within the next few weeks. I ran a poll on X asking SEOs “Do you think Google will push out another confirmed update before the 2023 year ends?” Most said yes, specifically to a “confirmed” […]

Most SEOs Consider Google’s November Core & Evaluations Updates Will Full In December

The Google November 2023 core update and Google November 2023 reviews update are still both rolling out, and we have no estimated time of when they will finish rolling out. Both are well past their estimated two-week rollout period. I ran a poll yesterday asking SEOs when they think it will be done, and most […]

Chris Long On Helping SEOs On LinkedIn & search engine marketing Profession Change

In part one, we learned about Chris Long and also spoke about his co-worker, the profession of SEO, Bill Slawski. In part two we dig into helping people in SEO on social media and SEO career change Chris Long is super active on LinkedIn, he is one of the most popular SEOs on LinkedIn. I […]

Many SEOs Are Worried About Their Jobs With Generative AI & AI Search

With generative AI and the new AI search features, we are not only able to use some generative AI tools to create excellent content, but how searchers access information is on the verge of changing. This is causing some concern and fear within the SEO industry. Liraz Postan posted a poll on Twitter SEOs “Are […]

Authorship, Links & Disavows A Lot Much less Necessary Than SEOs Suppose

Gary Illyes from Google gave a keynote and a Q&A session yesterday at PubCon and while the keynote was pretty vanilla stuff, the Q&A did reconfirm a lot of what has been said in the past around authorship, links and disavowing links. Safe Keynote First, Gary went with a safe keynote address because often enough […]

SEOs Belief YMYL Content material Much less If It Is AI-Generated

Lily Ray ran a Twitter poll asking SEOs if they trust content in the YMYL, your money or your life, category more, less or the same if it was written by AI. The vast majority of responses said they trust AI-generated content less than human-generated content. Lily asked, “If a site offering Your Money, Your […]

Most SEOs Will not Suggest Utilizing AI To Write Content material

A new Twitter poll shows that most SEOs do not yet feel comfortable recommending using AI to write client content. The poll asked, “Would you recommend using an AI writer to your clients?” Most SEOs said no. Mordy Oberstein posted this poll on Twitter and there were over 600 votes. About 66% said no, they […]

Most SEOs Not Utilizing Google Analytics 4

Carrie Hill posted a poll on Twitter SEOs, her followers, asking what the status of their GA4, Google Analytics 4 installs are. It seems like most SEOs, well, the 300 or so who responded, said they are just collecting data and not doing more with it. Carrie asked, “What’s the Status of your GA4 Install?” […]