Tag Archives: Engagement

X Provides Parts to Communities as Group Engagement Continues To Rise

With engagement in X Communities on the rise, the platform formerly known as Twitter has today previewed some coming Community features, which are designed to help maximize usage, and facilitate simplified management for group admins. First off, X is looking to add new analytics for communities, in order to give admins more direction as to […]

Measure What Issues and Boost Engagement

Building a loyal following on key social media platforms like Instagram is essential for brands looking to stay relevant in 2024. Instagram’s sheer popularity and diversity make it a terrific place to connect with any target audience. It also offers marketers and creators a wealth of different content options. But coming up with incredible content […]

LinkedIn Sees ‘Document Ranges’ of Engagement As soon as Once more

It’s that time once again, when Microsoft tells us that LinkedIn saw “record levels of engagement” in the most recent reporting period, while offering no further insight and/or qualification of that claim, and we have to just accept it and move on. Lo and behold: Why is that not a surprise? Because Microsoft always reports […]

8 Ideas To Enhance Your Facebook Page Engagement [Infographic]

Are you looking for ways to generate more engagement on your Facebook Page? Want to encourage more likes, shares and comments on your Facebook posts? The team from Red Website Design share 8 ways to increase Facebook page engagement in this infographic. Here’s a quick summary: Post native videos directly to Facebook Optimize your videos […]

Utilizing Behavioral Data to Enhance Engagement

Moving a lead down the funnel and converting them into a customer is only half the battle of growing a strong customer base. If you manage to turn a prospect into a lead and finally into a paying customer, you can’t stop there. A drop-off of meaningful engagement is the easiest way to lose valuable […]

Why Email Engagement is the Holy Grail of Email Deliverability

You’ve probably heard that email deliverability is crucial in digital marketing, but have you ever pondered what it entails? Email deliverability isn’t just about sending emails; it’s fundamentally about ensuring your message successfully lands in your recipient’s inbox. Whether your email graces the primary inbox, gets sidelined to the promotional tab, or worse, ends up […]

Optimizing Customer Journey Mapping to Improve User Engagement

Understanding how your customers make decisions is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy, and accurate customer journey mapping can help you get it right. Here’s what you need to know to master it. Successful digital marketing is about more than simply offering excellent products and services. It’s about getting into your ideal customer’s […]

Instagram Offers New Stories Engagement Choices with Customized “Add Yours” Templates

Instagram is giving users the capacity to create their own “Add Yours” templates in the app, which will provide another way to spark engagement based on specific, selected parameters. As you can see in these example screens, you’ll now be able to create re-usable versions of your Stories formats, enabling you to put together custom […]

Methods to Enhance Gross sales and Engagement

The holiday season is the crescendo of the retail symphony, a time when meticulous preparation meets opportunity. As the anticipation builds towards this peak shopping period, your business’s readiness can mean the difference between a good season and a great one. Our expertly crafted guide is the companion you need, offering a wealth of essential […]

AI-Powered Sales Engagement Automation: Generate E mail Content material for Automated 1:1 Prospecting Emails, Saved Responses, and Direct 1:1 Messages

As a marketer or sales rep trying to nurture and quality leads at scale, time is of the essence– ActiveCampaign’s AI email generator is here to revolutionize your workflow.  In addition to using AI to generate email content for your marketing campaigns, you can now generate content for your automated 1:1 prospecting emails, standard saved […]