Tag Archives: Measure

Measure What Issues and Boost Engagement

Building a loyal following on key social media platforms like Instagram is essential for brands looking to stay relevant in 2024. Instagram’s sheer popularity and diversity make it a terrific place to connect with any target audience. It also offers marketers and creators a wealth of different content options. But coming up with incredible content […]

What To Track & How To Measure Your Campaigns

Did you know that the average person checks their smartphone 96 times per day?  So, each time your customers check their phones, it is an opportunity to engage them and make a sale if you use the right SMS marketing strategies. One key tactic is to make sure you’re looking at the right SMS metrics. […]

How to Measure Your Content Maturity?

Content measurement is the process of collecting and analyzing data to understand how content is performing. It’s important to measure content performance so you can see what’s working and what’s not, and make necessary adjustments to improve your content strategy over time. Levels of content measurement 1. Consumption Are people consuming your content? This means […]

7 Strategic Marketing Goals, How to Reach and Measure Them

The way a brand approaches its marketing can say a lot about what it values and seeks to achieve. Setting strategic marketing goals, then, is a must. These goals are the objectives that a business or brand defines as most important. With them, your marketing team can better develop precise strategies and tactics that will […]

23 Marketing KPIs to Measure Marketing campaign Success

Your marketing team needs a way to measure the impact of your efforts on the organization. Every campaign should take you a step closer to your business goals. But how should you measure your success? Most businesses have an abundance (if not an overwhelming amount) of data. You could spend days trying to absorb all […]

Measure the success of your digital occasion

Virtual events can be as much of a boon to your organization as in-person events, bringing with them added benefits like wider reach and cost savings. Plus, with online events, there’s no need to limit attendance to how many people can fit in a location—or even to pay for that location. But to feel like […]

What is the Influence of website positioning on Brand Consciousness and How to Measure it?

SEO and brand awareness go hand in hand. Although search engine optimization focuses mostly on driving organic traffic, this strategy also increases brand awareness. Branding is a process in which a company creates a unique and distinct identity for itself that is memorable for audiences and customers. By having your branding story clearly laid out, […]

Measure Transactional E mail Efficiency | Twilio SendGrid

Businesses pay a lot of attention to marketing email performance to measure return on investment. But we often don’t monitor transactional emails in the same way. This could be because it’s easy to forget about these automated emails after you set them up or because you send them from a platform that doesn’t offer easy […]

Measure the influence of your touchdown pages with in-app metrics

Stop the guesswork when it comes to your website. With newly added Pages metrics right within the dashboard, you can see how many people are visiting your pages, and whether the content is compelling enough to inspire action. In the last several months, we’ve released some exciting updates for ActiveCampaign Pages, improving the high-converting site […]

How to Measure Your Success

Wie bewerten Sie den Erfolg bei TikTok? Es gibt viele Metriken, die man sich ansehen sollte: Anzahl der Follower, Likes, Kommentare, Shares. Aber TikTok-Analysen gehen tiefer: Sie ermöglichen es Ihnen, das wöchentliche und monatliche Wachstum, die gesamte Videowiedergabezeit, Informationen darüber, wer zusieht, und mehr zu messen. Mit über 1 Milliarde aktive Konten, hat jeder TikTok-Benutzer […]