Tag Archives: Marketing

Information to Spoki and Integrating WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp is one of the most used apps in the world, so why aren’t you marketing on it? Whatsapp marketing is easy and automated with Spoki, so you can make a personal and direct connection with your leads. WhatsApp marketing is a communication strategy that uses the WhatsApp messaging app to reach and engage customers. […]

How to Use ChatGPT to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy

If you feel like you haven’t been able to go a day over the past couple of years without hearing about artificial intelligence (AI), it’s not your imagination. AI has completely taken the world by storm, revolutionizing how businesses manage their marketing campaigns practically overnight. ChatGPT is one of the more ubiquitous tools to hit the scene, […]

Social Media Marketing: Navigating Innovative Content Trends for 2024

Social Media Marketing: Navigating Innovative Content Trends for 2024 Influencers have a new game in the dynamic realm of social media marketing. Staying abreast of the latest content trends is imperative for brands aiming to engage effectively with their audiences. As we move through 2024, the landscape of social media continues to shift, driven by […]

What are the 7 capabilities of selling?

Whether you’re brand new to marketing or have been in the game for a long time, a solid understanding of the basics is crucial to your ongoing success.  Of course, creativity and innovation are vital qualities in any successful digital marketing campaign.  However, every strategy will always have the same fundamental goals and purposes behind […]

Why It’s Important (+3 Website Advertising Ideas)

To set the scene, let’s start with some WordPress statistics. Every day, 500 WordPress sites are created and published. Every month, the WordPress search volume reaches an impressive 3.2 million hits. WordPress powers 43.2% of all websites, with an even higher market share of 62.8%. WordPress has the majority share of the content management system […]

13 Expertise You Should Develop to Turn into Wonderful at Content material Advertising [Infographic]

Are you trying to improve your content marketing ability? Want to know the key skills required by a content marketing expert? The team from Uberflip share their tips for success in this infographic. Here’s what makes their list: A scientist’s analytical mind A copywriter’s left hand A developer’s right hand A graphic designer’s eye An artist’s […]

What I Discovered From Spending $5.9 Million on Marketing Last 12 months

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Have you ever said the two little words, “good enough” or “I’m good?” The word “good” has become a common cop-out for moving beyond the status quo. But saying to ourselves, “Business is good enough” can be the lock on the door leading to greatness. In a […]

Mastering Social Media Marketing: Engaging Your Audience for Success

Mastering Social Media Marketing: Engaging Your Audience for Success In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to connect with their audience and drive success. With billions of users worldwide, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer unparalleled opportunities to engage with potential customers, build brand awareness, and […]

10 Ways to Enhance Your Marketing With AI

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The digital marketing industry stands clearly at a crossroads. As privacy concerns prompt a shift of platforms away from tracking cookies, marketers must adopt new ways to personalize content without compromising user privacy. In this environment, AI offers the most viable alternative to tracking cookies that respect […]

Hosts of ‘The Marketing Happy Hour’ Share Their Finest Strategies

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Navigating marketing for your small business while staying on top of day-to-day operations can be overwhelming. Luckily, Erica Spitzley and Cassie Tucker, hosts of the Marketing Happy Hour podcast, are here to help. Every week, the pair speaks to a new figure in the marketing world about […]