Tag Archives: wont

Google Says Just As a result of A Website Is Good Now, Would not Imply It Will not Degrade In Search High quality Later

Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that just because a site appears to be doing super well in terms of Google ranking and SEO today that it won’t degrade one day in value. John added, “just because something’s in Google News now doesn’t mean it’ll be there forever.” Sometimes sites just lose their luster, the […]

Google Bard Will not Hyperlink To Sources Too Typically

As you know, we’ve been playing with Google bardit just started to roll out a couple of days ago. Early on, we were disappointed thus far with how limited it seemed and more so, how it rarely linked to sources and content creators. Now, Google got back to us on why this is the case. […]

Most SEOs Will not Suggest Utilizing AI To Write Content material

A new Twitter poll shows that most SEOs do not yet feel comfortable recommending using AI to write client content. The poll asked, “Would you recommend using an AI writer to your clients?” Most SEOs said no. Mordy Oberstein posted this poll on Twitter and there were over 600 votes. About 66% said no, they […]

Hyperlinks On YouTube Will not Assist Your Google Rankings & web optimization

An SEO asked if links on YouTube videos will help with your Google SEO. Then someone said that it would help get your content indexed faster. Both are false and myths because YouTube links have nofollow attributes on them, so Google does not count them. John Mueller from Google even replied that links on YouTube […]

Google Stated Redirects From Non Related Pages Will not Trigger The Vacation spot Web page To Be Much less Related

Dawn Anderson asked Google’s John Mueller if redirecting a non-relevant page would cause the destination page (where the redirect it going towards) to be less relevant and cause any ranking issues for its relevant queries. John said no, “I can’t think of a way that would have a negative effect there,” he added. The conversation […]

Google Says Clicking On Your Web site In Google Search Will not Harm Or Assist Your Rankings

One of the oldest myths in the Google SEO verse is that clicking on your search results in Google Search will help you rank better. Google does not and has never used click data for ranking purposes (with the exception of a short period of Google+ data being used in Google Search). The question someone […]

Running Errands – Your First Business That Won’t Fail

Home Business Magazine Online Personal errands assistance is a business that is becoming increasingly popular due to the hectic pace of today’s busy lives. People have a variety of tasks that need to be completed, and having someone run their errands can be a convenient option. Besides, a lot of these errand running jobs do […]

Google Will not Make Google Analytics 4 A Rating Increase

Sometimes when Google wants to encourage site owners to take action, they might give us a ranking boost for implementing it. They did add super light weight ranking boosts for mobile friendly design, page experience and many more. But when it comes to encouraging folks to switch to Google Analytics 4, Google’s John Mueller said […]

19 Best Email Fonts That Will not Let You Down in 2022

Your emails are a collection of sentences and words. Words are a collection of characters, and characters are a collection of email fonts. That’s why you need to put the same amount of time and attention toward your email fonts as you do your copywriting—it’s the foundation of your messages. However, not all fonts are […]

Google Says Web 3.0 Will not Kill search engine optimization

All the craze right now is Web3 or Web 3.0, the new iteration of the World Wide Web based on the blockchain, which incorporates concepts including decentralization and token-based economics. And some are concerned it will kill SEO, that Web 3.0 will be the final nail in the coffin for SEO. Well, it won’t. Don’t […]