Tag Archives: good

I’m a Good Leader! However Does Your Team Agree? How to Create an Empathetic Workplace

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Companies today face incredible challenges, and balancing factors like talent shortages, political debates, and increasing inflation coupled with the demand for better benefits is hard. Having empathy for an employee and providing an empathetic workplace — one that supports employee needs in such a divisive environment — […]

Whole Foods Founder Shares What Makes a Good CEO

John Mackey is cofounder and the longtime CEO of Whole Foods. But in the early days of his business, he was called something else. And it wasn’t meant as a compliment: Wacky Mackey. One of his cofounders came up with the name, as a way of mocking Mackey’s lifestyle. To his doubters, Mackey seemed like […]

The Science Behind Good Social Media Hooks + 18 Examples

Stop scrolling right now. This blog post will change your life. Okay, maybe not — but it will teach you how to create an effective social media hook for TikTok, Instagram, and beyond. (See what we did there? We used a hook.) When it comes to engaging Instagram’s 2 billion active users and TikTok’s 884 […]

What’s Good B2B Content? Content Leaders on 9 Should-Haves for Standing Out From the B2B Crowd

Inaccurate, packed with “filler,” or completely AI-generated — bad B2B (business-to-business) content is easy to spot and even easier to find online. According to one study, it also costs over $50 billion annually due to wasted resources alone. But what makes B2B content good? Tough question. With Google promising to prioritize “helpful content” going into […]

How to Get a Good Open Price for Your Emails (my step-by-step information)

How to improve your email open rate There can be several reasons for low open rates. But the great news is that most of them are common culprits that even big corporations wrestle with. And guess what? You can easily flip the script with these 5 tips:  Subject lines The subject line is that little […]

What Is A Good Typing Speed? + 5 instruments to enhance yours

You might have wondered what is a good typing speed is and how you can improve your overall typing skills. If you can type fast and accurately, you can often get your work done faster than you would otherwise. Depending on the type of work you do day-to-day, having a fast typing speed can only […]

What Makes a Good Podcast (+how mine bought me on Netflix)

How to come up with an original podcast idea If you want your podcast to have a real shot at success, having an original idea is key. Coming up with something truly unique, though, is no walk in the park. But that’s how it’s supposed to be. If it were easy, everyone would be churning […]

What is a Good Domain Authority & How to Increase This Rating?

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), many factors influence page rankings.  On top of it all, the competition for the first positions is huge, and competitors know how to have websites considered a reference by Google’s algorithms.  Therefore, working on some decisive points, like Domain Authority (DA), puts your company in a prominent […]

Is Canva Good For Website Design? A Take On Canva Websites

There’s no question that having a website is one of the most important factors in running a modern business. But making sure that your website looks better than the competition is more difficult. In fact, 52 percent of users say they will leave a website due to aesthetics. So having a beautiful web design is […]

Google Says Just As a result of A Website Is Good Now, Would not Imply It Will not Degrade In Search High quality Later

Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that just because a site appears to be doing super well in terms of Google ranking and SEO today that it won’t degrade one day in value. John added, “just because something’s in Google News now doesn’t mean it’ll be there forever.” Sometimes sites just lose their luster, the […]