Category Archives: Content Marketing

Gamification in Your Content Marketing Strategy: Helpful Ideas and Tools

Content Marketing is constantly increasing the number of tools to increase the reach of the target group. One of them is gamification, with which you can increase the engagement of the company / brand, increase customer loyalty and personalize them. And all of this does not happen through advertising or complex strategic plans, but in […]

Fehler, die Sie in Ihren Kampagnen im Jahr 2021 vermeiden sollten

Die Weihnachtszeit ist eine Zeit für Familie, Essen, Feiern… und Verkauf. Marken stellen oft fest, dass ihre größten Verkaufsmonate am Ende des Jahres liegen, was Marketingspezialisten, die versuchen, die effektivsten zu schaffen, zusätzlichen Stress hinzufügen kann digitales Marketing Kampagnen. Und da der Black Friday der größte Shopping-Tag des Jahres ist, planen smarte Marken bereits ihren […]

Use it for a profitable content material advertising and marketing technique

Today’s content-driven marketing requires a lot of research. As a digital marketer, you have to develop a content strategy with the help of data and analysis instead of instincts. Any content strategy that you think might work isn’t going to be as effective as you think. Your digital marketing strategy should effectively promote high quality […]

Why you should not underestimate content material writing

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own. In the seven years that I’ve run Write right, which serves small and medium-sized companies with their everyday need for creative and technical content, I have recognized one thing: content should not be underestimated. Content writing is a craft in itself. Providing digital and printed content for […]

Wie wichtig ist Interaktivität bei der Erstellung eines Marketingplans?

Im Laufe der Jahre hat sich viel verändert, wenn es um digitales Marketing. Während früher Seiten mit Textinhalten die einzige Option waren, macht es die Zunahme des technisch Möglichen einfacher denn je, ein äußerst reichhaltiges Erlebnis zu schaffen, das sich von anderen abhebt. Einfach ausgedrückt, ist es äußerst wichtig, Ihr Publikum zur Teilnahme an Ihren […]

Why content material is the cornerstone of brand name progress

Content is the lifeblood of every brand. Just as the human body needs constant blood flow to the heart to survive, your brand needs a constant flow of content to thrive. But why is it like that? Credibility for one! In order to cultivate a relationship with consumers, it is important to create content that […]

Study real-time advertising and marketing ideas and examples to maintain audiences engaged

Over the years, digital marketing grew from a new idea that companies are just beginning to understand, to the point where there are a plethora of strategies you can use to build your program. While this gives marketers a chance to delve deep into their organizations and finding the right approaches that will produce the […]

7 Key Differences You Must Know

Pop quiz: when you hear the words “marketing” and “advertising,” do you think they’re the same? Some marketers use these words interchangeably, referring to marketing as advertising and vice versa. However, the truth is, these two concepts are quite different. Related, but different. Knowing the difference might not be the single most important thing you […]

Wie hilft Ihnen interaktiver Inhalt, Marketingziele zu erreichen?

Interaktive Inhalte hat für Marken und Unternehmen jeder Größe stetig an Bedeutung gewonnen. Viele Marken glauben jedoch weiterhin, dass sie nicht über die Ressourcen verfügen, um sie konsequent zu produzieren, und sind daher versucht, ihren Wert zu verringern. In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie mit interaktiven Inhalten Ihre Marketingziele erreichen. Aber zuerst definieren […]

How to Use AI to Speed up Online Course Creation

If you’re a business owner, teacher, trainer, or online solo preneur, you probably know that creating online courses is a highly scalable and profitable way to generate income online. In fact, margins of over 75% are not uncommon. But there is one problem: creating an online course is super difficult! It can take about a […]