How to Use AI to Speed up Online Course Creation

If you’re a business owner, teacher, trainer, or online solo preneur, you probably know that creating online courses is a highly scalable and profitable way to generate income online. In fact, margins of over 75% are not uncommon.

But there is one problem: creating an online course is super difficult!

It can take about a week to nail your course sketch and many more weeks to create your content. And no matter how motivated you are, you always start this process from a blank page.

Now imagine if you could wave a magic wand and suddenly great content started popping up on your screen and finding the perfect online course for your audience?

This is where a new suite of AI typing assistants comes in that has just hit the market. In this article, I’ll show you how to use these advanced tools to outpace the competition when it comes to Creation of online course content.

What is AI and how does it work for content creation?

AI writing assistants use a programming technique known as language modeling. This is a training algorithm that teaches computers how to write like a human by ingesting huge amounts of text from high quality blogs, articles, and websites.

After an initial prompt from a human author, the computer can use correct grammar and spelling to figure out which words are next.

The language modeling algorithm does not use hard-coded rules to create content. Instead, it writes based on repeated observations associated with pattern recognition.

The end result is human-like writing quality that can tackle virtually any subject with ease. Even so, you must always check the output of your AI writing assistant as it will likely “make up” stuff to produce coherent sentences.

Benefits of Using AI to Create Content Online

The main obstacle to creating content is always having to start on a blank page, which can be very time consuming and frustrating at times.

However, by using AI writing assistants, you can create a significant amount of your content and build a solid foundation on which to build at a fraction of the cost and time.

The bottom line is that hours of content creation can be reduced to minutes (as you’ll see later in this article), days to hours, and weeks to days, depending on the size and complexity of your project.

How to Use AI to Speed ​​Up Your Online Course Outline

The best way to get started with AI for your online course is to use it to generate your outline.

Once you’ve provided a topic to your AI writing assistant, all of your headings and sub-headings will be created for each section of the course. Then you can use it to add meat to the bones.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, remember that while AI writers are good at writing like humans, they are not subject matter experts and occasionally make things up.

So you always need to monitor the output and make the necessary changes Make your content factually correct.

Tips for using AI typing assistants

Here are 3 tips to help you create AI generated content for your online course:

Tip 1. AI is not a substitute for human content creators

Make sure that you always proofread, change, and improve the auto-generated text as needed – as good as the output looks, it won’t be as accurate as only an expert like you can provide.

Tip 2.AI always needs your guidance (e.g. garbage in / garbage out)

You always need to specify the starting angle for your content before letting the AI ​​do the magic. Because the AI ​​writes in such a human-like manner, it’s sometimes easy to forget that it doesn’t really know anything about your topic.

Unlike humans, AI typists have no cognitive skills and therefore cannot understand the nuances of your subject or use human judgment to make connections between related information.

However, if you give the right boost at the beginning it will do a very good job of generating great content that follows your guidance and closely saves you a lot of time in process.

Tip 3. Make sure you use a tone of the AI ​​voice that reflects your style

AI typists can write with any voice. So make sure this input is correct before using it to generate your course content.

Always use the language setting in a way that suits your style and do not try to generate content with a voice that is unnatural to you.

For example, if your typical writing style is “casual,” don’t tell the AI ​​assistant to write in a “witty” voice because your final content will feel inauthentic to your readers.

Now let’s create a complete course from scratch using AI!

Great, it’s time for the rubber to hit the road. Let’s show how these tools can help you create the first draft of your online course in no time.

To illustrate, I’ll pick a random topic for this example. So I use an AI typing assistant called to create an outline for a resume creation course.

I start this process with the Blog Post Outline feature, then guide the AI ​​by typing Outline for a resume creation course under the Blog Post Title / Subject heading:

Great, this is a great starting point!

Now I’m going to slightly customize this first draft as follows:

  1. What is a resume?
  2. Why do you need a résumé and what does it contain?
  3. Here’s how to create an effective resume that will get you the job you want
  4. Format your resume
  5. The importance of keywords in resumes
  6. Examples of good and bad résumés

Now let’s use the AI ​​tool to add some meat to the bones. Let’s go to point 1 using the Blog Post Intro Paragraph feature: What is a résumé?

This is a great introduction to the course!

Now you can only use this text for inspiration and not literally. However, if you choose to use it as it is, you should know that the text generated by AI writing assistants is 100%. Original content you won’t find that anywhere else on the internet.

In fact, AI apps have been thoroughly tested with online plagiarism tools that show no matches with existing online content.

Good. Next you would repeat the same process for point 2: Why do you need a CV and what does it contain? For the sake of brevity, I am not doing this here and will instead skip to point 3.

Here you want to break this bullet point into subtopics that will become subsections in your online course.

So, now let’s enter how to create an effective resume that will get you the job you want in the Blog Post Outline feature:

Well! Our course overview is starting to fill up.

Let’s use the same process to extend point 4: format your resume. Here, I’ll give direction to the AI ​​assistant by typing in: 5 formatting tips for great résumés in the Blog Post Outline feature:

Almost finished! Now we need a bit of text to bring us to point 5: The meaning of keywords in resumes that I will generate with the “Blog Post Intro Paragraph” function:

This is a great introduction to the keywords section (all I would do above is replace the word post with section and voila.)

Finally, for point 6, you will list a number of examples of good and bad résumés for orientation and contrast.

The first run of an online resume creation course can be done in about 10 minutes!

Next Steps

As a subject matter expert in your field, you can of course take your AI content to the next level by filling in all the gaps until it’s just right, but it would be next to impossible to get to that level of content structure quickly without the use of an AI – Typing assistant.

Use it wisely and it will become a turning point for your future online course creation projects.

This article was written by Marcelo Beilin, aDigital Marketing ConsultantAnd bloggers who help customers take their traffic and online revenue to the next level. He also helps readers find the perfect tools to generate income online

You can connect with him onLinkedIn.

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