Tag Archives: Fluctuations

Google Rating Fluctuations, Views Filter, SGE Business Profiles, Bard With Lens, Bing Chat Visible & Extra

This week, we had yet another pretty hot and unconfirmed Google search ranking update in the middle of the week. Google finally launched that perspectives filter in the mobile US search results. Google updated its Search Generative Experience to use data from reviews and photos within Google Business Profiles. Google now lets you virtually try […]

Doable Google Search Rating Algorithm Replace & Fluctuations June 14th

I am seeing some early signs of another Google search ranking algorithm updateas the Google search results seem more volatile than normal and there has been an increase in SEO chatter. The chatter is a bit off, meaning I am not seeing a huge amount of chatter relative to what many of the Google tracking […]

Google Search Ranking Fluctuations Proceed Via Weekend

Since the Google February 2023 product reviews update on February 21st, we’ve been seeing some pretty big swings in the search results – a lot of volatility, more than the norm. And that continued through the past weekend. As a reminder, we reported on very large fluctuations on March 1stspikes on February 25th and now […]

Google Search Rating Fluctuations, Useful Content material & Hyperlink Spam Replace Delayed, Hyperlink Speak & Funds Cuts

This is the last video of the year, and we have more Google search ranking fluctuations and volatility to talk about. Google said the December 2022 helpful content and link spam updates are delayed in being completed because of the holidays. Christmas weekend was much calmer for the Google search results. Google said using “here” […]

Google Search Algorithm Rating Fluctuations Thursday, December twenty sixth

While it has been calm for the past several days, today is a new day and I am seeing some signs of more volatility and ranking fluctuations as of the past 24 hours or less. Some of the automated tracking tools are picking it up, and I am seeing some renewed chatter in the SEO […]

Google Useful Content material Update Not Carried out (Now Carried out) But And Now We’re Seeing Fluctuations

Today marks the two-week and one-day mark since the Google helpful content update started to roll out and by the time I am writing this and when it was published Google has still not noted that the helpful content update is done rolling out (update, at 2pm today, Google said the update is done rolling […]

Huge Google Rating Fluctuations, New Google Multisearch, Advert & Analytics Latency & Native Search Information

This week, I posted the monthly Google webmaster report – got to say, it was a super busy month – so catch up there. Google’s product reviews update, the tail-end, may have heated up in a big way, I covered that in a lot of detail. Google launched a new feature called Multisearch, where you […]

Google Algorithm Fluctuations, FLoC FLoPs, New Google Robots Tag & Extra

This week, we had another unconfirmed Google search ranking update on January 22nd. Google has admitted defeat with its FLoC cookieless proposal and is now going with Topics API. Google launched a new robots tag named indexifembedded that controls indexing of embedded content. Google Search Console had an image search reporting bug it is working […]