Tag Archives: 14th

Doable Google Search Rating Algorithm Replace & Fluctuations June 14th

I am seeing some early signs of another Google search ranking algorithm updateas the Google search results seem more volatile than normal and there has been an increase in SEO chatter. The chatter is a bit off, meaning I am not seeing a huge amount of chatter relative to what many of the Google tracking […]

Google Search Rating Algorithm Replace Around February 14th

Here we go again; yet another Google search ranking algorithm update seems to have touched down on February 14th, maybe as early as February 13th, and seems to be continuing to shake things up throughout today. We previously covered unconfirmed updates on the 8th/9th and also the 4th. I am seeing an increase in chatter […]

Unconfirmed Google Search Rating Algorithm Replace April thirteenth & 14th

There seems to have been another Google search ranking algorithm update, which is unconfirmed by Google right now, that started Wednesday, April 13th and trailed into Thursday, April 14th. I am seeing both chatters within the SEO forums and some of the tools are showing the volatility as well. As a reminder, the last confirmed […]

Google Search Rating Replace January 14th & fifteenth

There may have been another unconfirmed one on Friday and Saturday, January 14 and 15 Google search ranking algorithm update. This comes a few days after the unconfirmed January 11 update. There is some chatter, but this time the Google tracking tools are showing much higher volatility. There appears to be more volatility this morning, […]