Tag Archives: result

Google Robotically Choosing Background Colours For Search Outcome Snippet Photographs

Over the past few months Google has been auto-selecting background colors not just for image search results and not just for shading Google Shopping Ads but also for images added to the search result snippets in Google Search. Punit spotted this a few months ago and he shared a couple examples on Twitter that shows […]

Serving Two HTTP Consequence Codes? Google Will Choose First One.

Google’s John Mueller was asked at the 1:20 mark in Friday’s Google hangout about serving two or more HTTP result status codes. If you serve two more more, which does Google Search decide to use? The answer is generally the first, the first HTTP result code would be used. The question was “It is theoretically […]

Google Search Exhibiting Huge Ballot Asking Are You Glad With This End result

We covered Google polling searchers before asking if they are happy with the search results. But now Google is showing some pretty massive polls asking “how satisfied are you with this result?” under specific search results. Here is a screenshot from Punit on Twitter: Like I said, we’ve seen this on mobile, much smallerbefore: Do […]

67% of Google searches have duplicate prime tales and internet outcome URLs

Last week we broke the news that Google was doing something of some sort Deduplication of headlines and web results in some situations. John Shehata published some data from his product Newzdash showing that 67% of all Google searches have duplicate top stories for web result URLs and about 12% of top story URLs are […]