Tag Archives: HTTP

Google On How Search Handles 103 Early Hints HTTP Server Response

Gary Illyes from Google posted information on how Google Search handles the 103 early hints HTTP server status response. He said, “Googlebot will ignore the 103 and wait for the subsequent response.” This was posted on LinkedIn and wrote, “HTTP 103 should be handled gracefully by Googlebot. If the response from the server is formatted […]

Google Says Incorrect Final Modification Date In HTTP Header Does Not Damage Your website positioning

Google’s John Mueller felt the need to post a PSA that said having an incorrect date set in your last modification date within your HTTP header won’t hurt your SEO. He said on mastodonhaving an incorrect date set there “won’t negatively affect your site’s overall SEO if used wrongly.” John wrote about spotting an article […]

Serving Two HTTP Consequence Codes? Google Will Choose First One.

Google’s John Mueller was asked at the 1:20 mark in Friday’s Google hangout about serving two or more HTTP result status codes. If you serve two more more, which does Google Search decide to use? The answer is generally the first, the first HTTP result code would be used. The question was “It is theoretically […]

Google is not crawling over HTTP / 3 but

Google’s John Mueller confirmed that the Googlebot is not yet crawling over HTTP / 3. He said that if you implement HTTP / 3 for your site, it doesn’t mean it will not benefit your users and, by extension, possibly your most important web vitals metrics. But the Googlebot isn’t crawling over it yet. That […]