Tag Archives: Finished

How Constructing a TikTok Following Earlier than We Had a Completed Product Helped Us Obtain Seven-Determine Progress in Two Years

I started dreaming of creating a tool for ice facials when I realized there was no easy and accessible tool out there. My mom and I were both obsessed with using cold temperatures to increase cellular turnover, reduce inflammation, and firm the skin, but I hated the experience of having to hold an ice cube […]

Google Search Rating Algorithm Replace On October 22, A Day After The October ’22 Spam Replace Completed?

So we had Google confirm that the October 2022 spam update finished Friday morning, the morning of October 21st. The tracking tools and chatter were somewhat mild but that makes sense for a spam update. But the day after, on Saturday, October 22nd, I see renewed chatter, and the tools show much bigger swings in […]

July 2022 Google Product Reviews Update Finished On August 2nd

So Google has finished the rollout of the July 2022 Google Product Reviews Update in a record-breaking fashion, in a six-day period. It even shocked Google because Google originally estimated 14-21 days for the rollout and Google didn’t even mention anything on its social channels about the update being done rolling out. Instead, Google simply […]