Tag Archives: Header

What Is a List-Unsubscribe Header?

What is the list-unsubscribe header, and is it something you should worry about? In the email world, there are a lot of elements to juggle when developing a new strategy. From segmentation and open rates to optimizing your deliverability, it can be easy for something to fall through the cracks. One element that cannot (legally) […]

What Is Return-Path Header (And Why It Issues)

We can all agree that email communication is essential for successful businesses. However, for your emails to be successful and produce conversions, they have to land in the inbox. But what happens when emails don’t make it to the inbox? Where do they go when they bounce? How are they processed? Enter return-path email headers. […]

Google Says Incorrect Final Modification Date In HTTP Header Does Not Damage Your website positioning

Google’s John Mueller felt the need to post a PSA that said having an incorrect date set in your last modification date within your HTTP header won’t hurt your SEO. He said on mastodonhaving an incorrect date set there “won’t negatively affect your site’s overall SEO if used wrongly.” John wrote about spotting an article […]

Measurement Of Your H1 & Header Fonts Does not Matter For search engine marketing, Stated Google

Google’s John Mueller said that the size of your header tags, ie H1s, H2s, etc, does not matter for SEO or ranking purposes. John said it might matter for users and conversions but for SEO, nope. John was asked “would google deem huge heading font size as a sign of “overdoing it”, thus lower quality?” […]