Snapchat Adds New Certification Course to Help Construct Expertize in Snap Ads

Snapchat has a. added new certificate course when it comes to ad optimization Snap focus Educational platform that provides another way to build your Snap Ads expertise and showcase your understanding of the platform in an official, recognized capacity.

As explained by Snap:

Snapchat advertising manager optimization is a five-course certification path designed to help media planners, buyers, and strategists report and optimize on Snapchat for full-funnel results. By the end of this course, you will have a deeper understanding of the tools and resources available to report and measure campaign performance, and how to apply these insights to optimize and improve campaign results.

The course complements, as well as, Snap’s gradually evolving platform education offering AR creation courses available on its Lens Studio platform.

Snapchat has launched its first advertising certification course back in July, with ‘Ads Manager’s campaign activation program that focused on elements like split testing, cross-channel measurements, and other important aspects of setting up your ad campaign.

This new course delves deeper into maximizing your results, with the structure of the program broken down into five key elements:

  • Visualize campaign data – Generate custom reports to suit your needs, quickly monitor performance, and determine tweaks.
  • Troubleshooting campaign performance – Identify and fix performance hitches in your campaigns and troubleshoot bid, budget, and creative issues.
  • Optimize flight performance – Adjust delivery settings to increase campaign efficiency, as well as the levers that can increase engagement with your intended audience.
  • Apply the insights to future campaigns – Use split tests and delivery insights to inform future campaigns and grow your audience.
  • Get ad support – Find out the best way to get help from Ad Support using Business Help and Live Chat.

The new component also includes a detailed breakdown of how Apple’s Snapchat SKAdNetwork Tracking and How It Affects Your Performance Results. SKAdNetwork is the primary tracking option Apple now offers as a result of the iOS 14.5 privacy update.

Each element of the course lasts approximately 10 minutes while you have 60 minutes for the final exam. And it’s not a flimsy course – I failed my first try, 60% correct, because I went through quickly to see if it was a cupcake test aimed at making users feel good rather than focusing on education in order to spend more money (many similar courses are like that).

The course covers a number of complex elements of Snap’s advertising platform and provides walkthroughs and explanations to help you better understand these elements.

If you pass the final test at the end of the program (with a grade above 80%), you will receive this snappy digital certificate to prove your experience with Snap Ads.

Certificate for Snap Ads

It provides a good overview of the more detailed elements of Snap’s advertising platform and the various features available to you to help you troubleshoot and report on your results.

You will find the new one Snapchat advertising manager optimization Course in the Snap focus Educational platform.

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