Tag Archives: Diverse

Google Says Your Content Does Not Want To Be Area of interest, It Can Be Various

Danny Sullivan, the Google Search Liaison, said on mastodon that your content does not need to be on one topic, one niche topic, for it to rank well. You can write about various topics on your site. The main thing, Danny said, was that you should write content however you want for your people and […]

The Advantages Of Constructing A Various Workforce (And How Rock Content Is Doing It)

Discussions around the topic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) have never been so firmly placed on companies’ agendas. This could be for all kinds of reasons: demands from employees, pressure from investors, marketing strategies, or even the simple fact that companies agree that it’s the right thing to do — as we believe at […]

Netflix On Videogames And Epic Games On Streaming. Why Is Various Content material Necessary Today?

For the last decades, the entertainment industry was divided into segments. We had great movie companies, huge music labels and video games brands. And each segment was unique, not only because of the way their products were consumed, but also because of the technological limitations of the time. But that’s changing. Netflix, well-known for its […]