Category Archives: Niche Marketing

Carve a distinct segment as a digital marketer with IIT Delhi’s Certificate Programme in Digital Marketing

Digital has fundamentally changed the way we interact with the world. It has shrunk the globe, increased the number of products and services on offer, and changed how we access them. This headlong push into digital marketing means that consumers no longer see a huge divide between digital and traditional media. But the ways of […]

The emergence of area of interest banking

There is no need for brick-and-mortar banks. The days of traditional banks are gone. The reasons they have not disappeared yet? Three major reasons: They don’t have the right software or skills to serve customers virtually. They occupy and carry big real estate assets on their balance sheets which will lose a lot of value […]

A distinct segment market that might gas your life insurance coverage enterprise – Insurance coverageNewsNet

One question I hear all the time is about leads. Qualified leads. Good lead companies. Leads that work. Whew! It’s exhausting! And my usual response is, “Maybe you need more ‘qualified’ leads or maybe what you need are more leads to qualify.” It’s about your marketing plan and your activity plan – those are the […]

Area of interest marketplace for popcorn manufacturing

The Sunday Mail Word from the marketLucius Phaleng Popcorn is widely regarded as a high-value crop. It has been shown that the prices can be double or triple those of regular maize. Popcorn is a source of fibre, protein, complex carbohydrates, and vitamins, and has a low fat and sodium content. It is different from […]

Discover Your Area of interest within the Music Industry

Let’s face it; the music industry is one of the hardest to break into. Especially today, the competition is fierce since streaming has decentralized the need for major record labels. Anyone with enough skill, talent, time, and practice can make a name for themselves in the music industry. Still, many aspiring producers and musicians wonder […]

On the Menu: RTDs Maintain Looking for a Area of interest On-Premise

Things were good at BTL SVC. Leading up to the pandemic, the premium ready-to-drink cocktail company, was increasingly found in some of the country’s most well known hotels, at concession stands at Madison Square Garden and Radio City Music Hall, and had just received purchase orders from Jet Blue Airlines. “Then all the arenas went […]

Advisors, Your Niche Is Greater Than You Assume

Let’s talk about how to expand the reach of your niche marketing. Guess what? You don’t have to expand your niche! Hear me out. First, I want you to do an exercise. Close your eyes for 30 seconds and imagine a CEO. That’s it. Just imagine a CEO. Go ahead, I’ll wait here! Alright, you’re […]

Indulge by Palazzo finds area of interest for well being nuts in search of a deal with – Hartford Courant

Wethersfield — Nicole Palazzo started her business somewhat as a response to the pandemic, and has found a niche with people who try to stay healthy but see the value in sometimes indulging their sweet tooth. Indulge by Palazzo opened in February of 2021, at a time when people were venturing out more, and were […]

How To Make A Distinctive Product For A Niche Market

The market seems to have just about anything these days. Whether you are looking for a new phone case, some specialty home decor, or even a specific type of food, you can find just about anything with a simple online search. As an entrepreneur, this may present a considerable challenge, especially if you want to […]

‘Area of interest shouldn’t be good’: Bidvest Life’s new CEO units her sights on the mass market

Bidvest Life CEO, Lulu Rasebotsa, likes visiting local townships to understand people’s real needs and preoccupations. When people ask her where she is on her journey as the CEO of Bidvest Life, her response is “heavily expectant”. Lulu Rasebotsa has been at the helm of the former FMI Insurance, now Bidvest Life, for nine months. […]