Tag Archives: vaccine

Danish biotech looking for area of interest vaccine edge towards Pfizer snags €72M for pivotal research – Endfactors News

A biotech 12 years in the mak­ing has se­cured its largest fi­nanc­ing yet, and it has am­bi­tious plans for what the chief ex­ec­u­tive called a “David vs. Go­liath” ven­ture. Min­er­vaX, based out of Copen­hagen, put out word bright and ear­ly Thurs­day that it se­cured €72 mil­lion in new fund­ing via both eq­ui­ty fi­nanc­ing and a […]

Affect of coronavirus vaccine analysis on a biotech inventory

In 2020 the Biotech sector stood out compared to oil, real estate, but also the tech sector. With the vaccine race, the course of each industry now depends on what is happening in the biotech industry. the pandemic will come to an end at some point, but what is certain is that biotech stocks will […]