Tag Archives: Endpoints

Danish biotech looking for area of interest vaccine edge towards Pfizer snags €72M for pivotal research – Endfactors News

A biotech 12 years in the mak­ing has se­cured its largest fi­nanc­ing yet, and it has am­bi­tious plans for what the chief ex­ec­u­tive called a “David vs. Go­liath” ven­ture. Min­er­vaX, based out of Copen­hagen, put out word bright and ear­ly Thurs­day that it se­cured €72 mil­lion in new fund­ing via both eq­ui­ty fi­nanc­ing and a […]

With eyes on first allogeneic CAR-T approval, Precision touts 100% response in ‘small area of interest’ inhabitants – Endpoints News

Pre­ci­sion Bio­Sciences has grand reg­u­la­to­ry am­bi­tions for its lead pro­gram: first al­lo­gene­ic CAR-T ther­a­py on the mar­ket. En route to meet­ing with the FDA lat­er this year on po­ten­tial reg­is­tra­tion strat­e­gy, the North Car­oli­na biotech is out with new in­ter­im Phase I/IIa clin­i­cal da­ta on its prized pos­ses­sion, dubbed PB­CAR0191. The an­ti-CD19 can­di­date is be­ing […]