Tag Archives: Extension

Google To Deprecate Some Sitemap Extension Tags

Google announced on August 6, 2022 it will no longer support some of the video and image sitemap extension tags. Google said “Upon evaluating the value of the Google sitemap extension tags, we decided to officially deprecate some tags and attributes, and remove them from our documentation.” This will happen after August 6, 2022 and […]

Google Ads Testing New Advert Extension Icons

Google may be testing new Google Ads extension icons in the search results. Khushal Bherwani spotted these and notified me of these on Twitter, and I think they are new. New contact us and buy now icons are being placed in the Google search ad snippet. I personally cannot replicate but here are some of […]

Extension to SMS (for individuals who do not code like me)

We know email is essential. With 84% of consumers telling us that they would like to receive corporate communications in their inbox, this is at the heart of customer communications and shows no signs of diminishing in importance. However, we also know that customers expect to interact with companies through more than just email. As […]