Tag Archives: Bill

Social Media Legal responsibility Bill Handed California State Committee

If enacted, AB2408 will allow parents to sue the state Attorney General for social media. … [+]Companies on behalf of children who have been harmed by social media addiction. Getty Images If parents are concerned about their child’s addiction to social media, they may soon have the ability to sue them. California State Assemblymember Jordan […]

The Miracle Treatment That Relieves Migraines, Nervousness, ADHD AND Insomnia | Bill Protzmann

You’re out with friends or family, about to have an amazing day, and, suddenly, you feel that twinge in your temples, meaning the thing you dread most is about to happen: the onset of painful migraine symptoms. You panic inside. It’s time to grab heavy-duty pain medications and/or retreat to a cool, dark, and quiet […]

How To Decrease Your Cell Cellphone Invoice (Including Negotiation Scripts

Many of us pick a cell phone plan without giving it much serious thought. Maybe we pick the same carrier we’ve always had or the same amount of data we’ve always bought. But is it really the best plan based on your typical usage? Is there any way you can lower it?  The average cell […]