How to Make Low-Value Video Content That Converts

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own.

In 2021, all marketers will be talking about video content, and rightly so. The statistics from the past few years have been overwhelming, and 2020 has surpassed anything we’ve ever seen in terms of video content consumption rates.

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As small business owners, we all need to get the most bang for our buck, but the video content space isn’t very easy and people can love your content or your ad as much as they hate them. Sometimes what differentiates both outcomes can be something as simple as placement, delivery, or language.

Over the years I have had to learn to tackle the slippery slope of video content delivery by consistently trying and failing and following the advice of some of the most recognized gurus in the video advertising and marketing field like Neil Patel, the Madsgency, power duo Hafiz Ahmad Ashfaq and Qadeer Wagriya and Click Funnels maestro Russell Brunson.

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The invaluable lessons I learned from these professionals have resulted in a massive change in the way my video content and ads are delivered, and that brings me to my first point:

Educate yourself

I’ve spent an incredible amount of money in marketing on video ads that have brought me little to no conversion for years. I convinced myself that I was a small company and couldn’t afford to hire Neil or Hafiz from Madsgency or any of the big agencies with proven results.

However, I quickly realized that if I had spent a fraction of those dollars learning about the ins and outs of video content and how it was served through ads, I would have taken my business much further. My revelation led me to read Russell books, to apply for the amazing Madsgency Tube Framework of course, and consume dozens of Neil’s videos and posts.
Sometimes failure gives you clarity and guidance, but the only way to get out of a cycle of failure as a small business owner is to slow down, humiliate yourself, and listen to the pros. To put it better, in the words of Hafiz, “Experience is only the best teacher when you learn from the experiences of others who have failed and got it right.” I have some precious gems along the way picked up while I tried to educate myself.

Related: 7 Secrets of Super Successful Video Marketing –

Why your video ads are failing

YouTube was designed for videos, and it’s a breeze to suggest that the majority of your video ads should be on YouTube, even if your main audience is on Facebook or Instagram. The reason for this is that it benefits from intent because people come to YouTube to watch videos, which reduces the likelihood of people getting ticked off of videos that appear on their feed.

According to Qadeer Wagriya: “The key to killing with advertising is in three little words; Research, targeting and placement. Trial and error or guesswork will empty your coffers before you make a profitable profit. “

Research, alignment and placement

YouTube offers small businesses a wide variety of research opportunities to find out exactly who their audience is. the Google Ads Platform is now much more advanced than many think. The resources the platform provides for figuring out what type of audiences are watching what type of videos make it much easier to create our own custom audiences based on who is likely to be drawn to our videos.

According to CNBC, 65% of people skip video ads, which greatly reduces the opportunities they offer for conversions. It also signals that you can’t waste dollars on arbitrary ad placement. Google allows you to target important demographics such as age group, gender, or location. The targeting is so specific that you can even include or exclude specific cities or counties.

Targeting is therefore based on your research results and how well you have identified your ideal customer. Google’s ability to precisely target is second to none. The problem often lies in our ability to adequately discover or describe our audience.

Placement is your ability to choose the right type of videos on YouTube to place your ads, reducing the chances of them being skipped or ignored. This placement is the result of your research and alignment. It is not enough to show ads on YouTube if the bulk of them will be seen by people who are not interested in what you are selling. Google Ads lets you target specific videos, channels, keyword searches, and video types. The power of these placement options means that if done correctly, you can only show up where you need to show up, at least for the most part.

Related: How to Use Narrowcasting to Drive Engagement and Conversions

Your keyword placement

Keywords also play a huge role in the performance of your video ads. I know it seems too difficult to use keyword targeting on YouTube ads because the targeting option seems so extensive. The problem is that the only ads that many small business owners know about are the TrueView in-stream ads. While keywords may be difficult (but not impossible) to use for TrueView ads, they’re ideal for YouTube Discovery ads.

YouTube gives you a wide variety of ad types, skippable in-stream ads are clearly the most common, and possibly non-skippable in-stream ads (these require immense creativity in the ad itself or can destroy your brand). YouTube also gives you bumper ads, sidebar ads, and discovery ads. Your job is to find out what works for you and your budget, rather than just handling the money for what is often done.

Webinar funnel

Another often overlooked system for delivering video content is webinars. Webinars are more suited to small businesses than large organizations, and yet it seems that small businesses are more likely to ignore them.

Hafiz Ahmad from Madsgency sums it up; “A webinar funnel is basically the ability to talk to prospects face-to-face, build authority, push them where it hurts, and convert leads into customers. This thing is by design not suitable for large companies or organizations; People love personal interaction and that’s where the idea of ​​the webinar funnel comes from. ”

Small businesses are looking for exposure and one of the most effective exposures you can have is one that establishes your expertise or models and illustrates your services / products. The art of building and deploying a webinar funnel is taught in pretty extensive detail in the Madsgency Tube Framework course and has changed my business as it offers a relatively inexpensive way to reach your customers, reduce the bounce rate, go raw data and create conversions. Webinars are a powerful way to build trust in a personal environment, and wherever there is trust, sales happen.

Webinars and effective YouTube ads changed the face of my business and so many others in 2020. With the ongoing effects of Covid-19 yet to come, it is very likely that they will become even more popular and effective. When done right, you are almost guaranteed to reduce your ad spend and increase your ROI.

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