This is the best way to create content material that will likely be transformed in 3 straightforward steps

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own.

Content is the basis of all marketing. Anything you do to create awareness and demand for what you sell – from talking to people to emailing, posting on social media, speaking on stage, going live or sharing recorded video, podcasting, Hosting events and writing articles like this one – is content. One of the biggest difficulties I see as a marketing strategist and coach is being overwhelmed by consuming content.

As entrepreneurs, we are flooded with content. Since we want to stand out from others, we keep turning our wheels and trying to create something different. But you don’t have to create anything else to stand out. Instead, focus on two things: appear consistent and embrace who you are.

You are naturally different just because you are you. You think differently, use different words, have different preferences, and convey your message differently than anyone else. High conversion content marketing isn’t born from a new Instagram profile grid or TikTok video sequence – it’s created by magnetism. We build audiences and become powerhouses in our industry when we dare to be ourselves, perform every day and do both confidently.

Related: The formula for success for content creation

Now that you know this, there are some basic principles of high-converting content marketing that will help you better think through your ideal strategy.

1. Embrace your uniqueness

Entrepreneurs desperately seek confirmation from our content. It makes sense. You’re likely producing content for the sole purpose of selling because you’ve been conditioned to grab attention. Attention equals followers, which leads to sales. It also makes sense to assume you are missing something when you see others getting more than you. That you have to do more. That you are not good enough

The truth is, comparing it to others will result in less conversion of your content.

Content is all around you, all the time. If you simply shared your unique perspectives and experiences in a way that you enjoyed yourself, you would feel less pressure and get better results. Who cares if others in your industry all use one type of content? Do you want to attract attention? Do your own thing and own it!

The most successful entrepreneurs don’t care what others do. We’re disrupting our space with something new and innovative. We take risks. We fail and get up again. We create more than we use. We are decisive. We are brave. And yes, I say “we” as the collective we that includes you and me.

We are visionaries. We are changemakers. We are the future.

2. Do more of what works

Every good content marketing strategy starts with a plan. It can be flexible and takes minutes to build, but it does exist. How are you going to measure your success without a plan? Once you have the plan, simple math can help you see what works and what doesn’t. Did you post as much as planned? Have you met your goal of number of downloads or percentage of conversions? If so, what helped you with this? If not, how can you improve?

You’re not a hamster on a wheel. You don’t have to keep producing more content. You don’t need to increase performance over time. You don’t always have to jump from one platform to another because your audience is “hot” right now. Nobody expects you to develop a content marketing strategy that will break the bank or your back – except maybe you.

Instead, measure what is working and optimize your process based on specific insights. You will be surprised how much time repurposing will save you or how much audience you can build by repurposing content and continuing to create new content – which equates to a 100% increase in output.

If you don’t already have a monthly review of your content performance, start now. Then think about what you did and you will see how easier it is to move forward with better results.

Related: How content creation and content curation should work together

3. Let go of what you don’t like

There are tons of free and paid tools out there to help you create, optimize, plan, and scale your content to make a huge impact. There are also people who love to make a living from it! Feed the entrepreneurship ecosystem and free up any chores that you don’t like or for which your genius is not best suited.

You’ve probably heard this before, and made dozens of excuses for why you can’t yet. Too much money. Not enough time. Sound familiar? All of these excuses are reasons to prioritize this now. By outsourcing these tasks, you can free up time for income-generating activities, which translates into more money and time – the two things you seem to be missing!

If you have a system that is working great at the moment and you are comfortable with it, you may not have to invest in anything right now. Be aware that this is not all about productivity. It’s about freedom. It’s about questioning and questioning the status quo. It’s about consciously choosing to give your best. If you do, that whole Disruptor game that you read a few paragraphs ago will be much more doable and fun.

If you want your content to be easy to create, stand out from the crowd and turn into sales, focus on originality, optimization, and outsourcing. These are your keys to success.

Related: Why you should outsource your content creation

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