Tag Archives: Sliva

Colt Sliva goes past frequency statistics in web optimization

In part One, we talked about how Colt Sliva became an SEO engineer and some topics related to search chart visualization. In Second part We’ve talked more about entities, Python for SEO, and recruiting developers. In part three we will now go into frequency statistics, improve these models and carry out proper A / B […]

Colt Sliva on Entities, Python for website positioning, and Recruiting Builders

In part One, we talked about how Colt Sliva became an SEO engineer and some topics related to search chart visualization. In the second part, we talked more about entities, Python for SEO, and recruiting developers. He quickly spawns Freebase, a large collaborative knowledge base made up of data primarily created by its community members […]

Colt Sliva on turning into an web optimization engineer and visualizing search charts

Colt Sliva came to my field office to talk to me about SEO. At the beginning I asked him a few personal questions to keep him tense – just kidding. We talked about his career, he’s the SEO engineer at iPullRank, the place is run by Mike King with whom I spoke before. He started […]