Google FAQ Wealthy Outcomes Solely Displayed For Authoritative Websites

A month ago, Google told us that FAQ rich results in the Google search results will be shown for only authoritative sites but we waited over a month and nothing changed. That was until yesterday when FAQs in the Google search results are now barely showing up in the search results anymore.

If you look at the tracking tools, they show a huge drop in how often the FAQ rich results are showing in the Google search results. Here are some screenshots:


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Here are examples:

Check this morning. FAQ snippets on desktop are gone. GSC not showing that data yet, but I’ve checked across sites. For example:

— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) September 13, 2023

As a reminder, Google said that FAQ-rich results will “only be shown for well-known, authoritative government and health websites” in the Google search results.

What about the other sites? Google said it may be shown but Google added it will “no longer be shown regularly” for all other sites.

How do you get your site to show these? Well, Google said, “sites may automatically be considered for this treatment depending on their eligibility,” so there is not much you can do but try to improve your site.

Here is an example of an “authoritative site” that still has FAQs:

And like Google explained in its original announcement, FAQ snippets will still remain for well-known, authoritative health and government websites. Like this example below:

— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) September 14, 2023

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