Google Search Console Verify Repair With out Fixing Something

Did you ever get an email from Google Search Console that asks you to take an action to fix an issue and then click the “verify fix” button? Well, did you ever just click that you fixed the issue, without actually implementing any fixes or changes?

I am sure many of you have and sometimes it works. Sometimes saying you fixed something will result in Google re-checking the issue and letting it pass.

When will this happen? Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter said that when Google’s first “particular analysis was not getting stable results.” So if Google runs it again, maybe the results are now stable and Google sees what it wants to see this time.

Here is the tweet with the verify fix being confirmed as fixed when this SEO said he did not make any fixes:

@searchliaison When the only thing someone has done is clicked “Verify fixes” (without really making any actual changes) and they get this back… How should this (or the original warning) be interpreted?

β€” Jay Holtslander (@j_holtslander) March 8, 2022

Here is John’s reply:

Usually that’s a sign that this particular analysis was not getting stable results. That can happen (and we take steps to prevent it from our side as much as possible), so unless you see a lot of these issues, I’d just leave it like that.

β€” 🐐 John 🐐 (@JohnMu) March 9, 2022

I don’t recommend you just click that the issue is fixed unless you really think the issue is not an issue and Google should recheck.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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