Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency disappears from Google

The Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency is no longer showing up in Google searches, is it some kind of conspiracy or a technical glitch? Well it’s a technical issue with the website, there are server issues but I thought it would be fun to report on as I never knew such an agency existed.

The Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA), also known as the Vampire National Guard (Vanguard), was responsible for controlling the country’s vampire and zombie populations and oversaw the scientific study of the undead. At least that’s what the website said (although I can’t access it now, which is probably why Google doesn’t show it).

I discovered this via Reddit, where else would anyone notice this, and the person posted “What’s up with the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency’s main website being completely removed by Google?”

Yes, a site command for [site:fvza.org] brings up the angler:

click for full size

But Bing catch it:

click for full size

Google’s Gary Illyes responded to this on Reddit and pointed out the Google mobile friendliness test shows that Googlebot said the crawl failed. Gary adds: “The website in question doesn’t have robots.txt and the tool I linked to would also just say that the URL isn’t allowed to be crawled. I suspect a misconfigured firewall is preventing Google’s crawler from accessing the site altogether.”

Again, I personally can’t access it right now.

So if you’re looking to renew your membership with the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency, you need someone to bring it back to life.

forum discussion below Reddit.

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