Accelerated development with enthusiastic buyer suggestions and ActiveCampaign

When customers visit your website, buy your products, use your services, or call your account managers, they want to have a positive experience with your brand. With more consumer options, businesses are increasingly relying on a great customer experience (CX) to differentiate themselves.

Improving the customer experience has been shown to provide a significant return on investment. In fact, a Qualtrics XMI report found that improving your CX could generate up to $ 1.1 billion in sales over a three year period.

With Customer experience is now seen as the area with the highest growth opportunity and the potential ROI at stake shouldn’t be wasted time taking action.

That’s where Integration of ActiveCampaign & Delighted come in.

Pleased and ActiveCampaign work together so you can automatically trigger surveys and sync your real-time feedback data to generate actionable insights. With these tools, collecting feedback and optimizing the customer experience is easy, scalable and worth the investment.

Invest in customer experience for growth

Improving your customer experience has a direct impact on your bottom line. Here are the data points to prove it:

When you look at the facts, it seems clear: Optimizing your customer experience pays off in terms of growth potential and financial benefits.

How Delighted will help your business grow

Fortunately, implementing CX optimization for growth doesn’t have to be complicated. Delighted provides an easy and quick way to evaluate your current customer experience through turnkey surveys and built-in reports to create a system of promotions.

As Michael Bair, SVP of Customer Experience at FIG says: “Delighted makes NPS so easy to set up, so easy to understand and, most importantly, so easy to act.”

Instead of guessing your customers’ opinions and sentiments about an experience with your brand, you can ask them right after a transaction or interaction with your sales or customer service teams with a Delighted survey.

For example, have you ever wondered how satisfied your customers are with your order process or how difficult it is for them to buy a product again? No wonder – with customer feedback surveys, you get your answers straight from the source. Better still, you can put this verbatim feedback right into the hands of your team to act on.

By automating your feedback through Delighted and ActiveCampaign, you can gain actionable insights to close customer bases faster, fix experiences in advance, and ultimately use that speed to accelerate growth.

By combining Delighted Feedback with ActiveCampaign, you can also:

  • Collect feedback throughout the customer journey. With Delighted’s proven survey templates and delivery methods, you can evaluate the customer experience at every critical point in the customer journey. The automatic sending of surveys when ActiveCampaign actions are carried out – contacts created, business phases changed and more – means that you are constantly collecting useful data and generating next steps.
  • Let automation improve your action process. By creating a system of actions, the time you spend on customer metrics will not be wasted. Instead of just monitoring, this integration automatically reaches your customers for you – and makes your metrics more meaningful.
  • Understand your customers on a deeper level. The best customer experience offers customers far more than the minimum they expect. With this integration, you can better understand what your customers expect from you and gain insights from your feedback to improve processes, services or products through active listening.

The best part is that it’s easy to get started. As Dave Amirault, Marketing Director at Pagely, says: “Delighted is a way to get started with a customer experience that doesn’t overwhelm internal teams. It will give you actionable feedback, grow you as a company, and enable you to provide better services. “

Enthusiastic and active campaign to accelerate growth

How does the integration of ActiveCampaign & Delighted work?

The ActiveCampaign & Delighted integration uses five triggers to collect feedback at critical journey points:

  1. After a contact has been added: Get feedback from your new customers and don’t miss the opportunity to get in touch early.
  2. After a contact has been updated: When your contact is added to an account, the customization you choose means your survey audience is already narrowed down.
  3. After a contact has been marked: This integration really shines here. Customize tags to gain insights after orders are fulfilled, support interactions are completed, purchases are repeated, and more. You can completely customize your tags to suit your needs – and send surveys to just the right people at the right time.
  1. After a deal is created: Sync your surveys with your pipeline. Trigger a survey when creating a deal in ActiveCampaign and get insightful data instantly. You can also add a delay to check in with your customer once they are settled in.
  2. After a deal is updated: Never miss a chance to get feedback once you’ve updated a deal. With this trigger, you can easily track key parts of the customer journey.

While you can customize, organize, track and report on all phases of the customer lifecycle directly in ActiveCampaign, the customizable triggers can automatically send feedback surveys without you having to lift a finger.

For example, you can monitor the loyalty of regular customers through Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys, make sure that your customer care processes meet customer expectations with Customer Effort Score (CES) surveys, and that your customers get through with the sales communication. are satisfied Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSAT).

Screen repeat customers with NPS surveys to measure brand loyalty.

With Delighted’s customizable survey templates, you can choose any type of survey that suits your needs and be creative with how and when to send it based on triggers in ActiveCampaign.

After you have customized your survey and selected your ActiveCampaign triggers, you can view all the data collected in a practical feedback dashboard from Delighted. You see a live view of your results and trends – and can search customer reactions and metadata quickly and easily.

With Delighted and ActiveCampaign, your customer experience program is always active. They’re constantly collecting data to make available to your team so that action can be taken. And by using proven survey types with the leading platform for customer experience automation, you have the best chance of collecting and acting on accurate customer feedback data to grow your business.

Optimize your customer experience with ActiveCampaign & Delighted now

Nice to meet you free 7 day trial or free plan gives you an idea of ​​how easy it is to send out customized surveys at the perfect time.

Don’t miss out on accelerating growth by prioritizing the customer experience. Automate and scale your CX program with the Delighted & ActiveCampaign integration now.

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