Google Ads conversion objectives, tag assistant, and new explanations

Google announced some new Google Ads features to help you manage your conversions and improve performance. These include new conversion goals, support for the Tag Assistant to troubleshoot conversions, and new explanations of changes to the conversion value for target ROAS and maximize conversion value.

Conversion goals in Google Ads

Google Ads now has “conversion goals,” which is a new “way to optimize your goals at the account or campaign level,” the company wrote. This is a great way to tell Google Ads which specific business goals you want your campaigns to be optimized for. The example from Google was: “Suppose you are an online clothing retailer. In the future, you can set a purchase as the default goal of your account so that all of your campaigns are optimized for that result. Within this purchase goal you can also define which specific Conversion actions, such as “Completed Sale,” should be used on bids. These controls give you the flexibility to refine your interests while exploring new opportunities to bid. “

Google said there will be tips on how to improve your overall measurement facility. You will see your conversion actions grouped by these new conversion goals as you create new campaigns over the next few weeks. Your existing settings for conversion, conversion optimization and bids will not be changed. This means no action is required on your part, explained Google.

Tag Assistant support for conversion

Google added Tag Assistant support for conversion, which shows you that your conversion tags are working as intended. This is a troubleshooting tool that you can use to diagnose problems with your conversion actions and if an error occurs, such as: B. unverified conversion actions, inactive tags or no recent conversions. According to Google, you can also see in real time which conversion actions are being measured correctly.

This is what it looks like:

click for full size

New explanations

Google Ads now shows you explanations of Target ROAS and Maximize Conversion Value on your campaign page for Google Search Campaigns. With explanations, you can see the reason for any change in conversion value with a single click.

Here is a screenshot of what this looks like:

click for full size

Here is a summary of those changes:

New Google Ads conversion goals:

For example, the “Buy” conversion goal would automatically include all conversion actions (from buying online on selected websites to buying through selected apps) that fall under the Buy category type. “#ppcchat

-Greg Finn (@gregfinn) November 1, 2021

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