Get Snug Going Live to Market Your Business

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own.

Have you confidently seen these successful entrepreneurs live and thought, “I wish I could have the courage to do it too?”

Personal connection with your audience works for most entrepreneurs, but it’s a must if you’re a coach, consultant, or professional looking to monetize your expertise.

Why is live streaming so valuable for your marketing?

Social media and YouTube are where most people spend a lot of free time these days, and the rule of marketing is to be visible where most of your prospects are. However, a mere passive presence on these platforms does not lead to the desired results. and live streaming takes that connection to another level.

We build our trust in another person by observing them and relying largely on our gut instincts as we assess the potential danger or trust that is present. There is an almost instantaneous pull, or a complete lack of it. The former helps us build our audience, and the latter repels those who don’t care. In a world of seven billion people, that means we can build a huge audience filled with people who are truly drawn to us – with just one condition …

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We have to show up to let them know, like us, and trust us

It sounds so simple and logical, but too many brilliant experts hold back from taking the opportunity to connect with as many customers as possible. I have mentored 150+ entrepreneurs over the past two years helping them enjoy consistent live streaming and find the ease and confidence to do it. When I interviewed them before we started working together, I found that most people have similar reasons that make them feel uncomfortable about going live and seeking help.

Let’s take a look at the reasoning and intelligence behind this resistance. And hopefully they will help you overcome any excuses and discomfort you may feel when thinking about going live.

Related: Why live streaming video should be the next front in your brand’s social media strategy

Not feeling as comfortable speaking as you are writing

This is a very common caveat, but what you may not consider is that written and conversational languages ​​are two completely different forms of communication. If we spoke the way we write, the audience would be overwhelmed too soon to even understand the message we are trying to convey. We use much simpler words and structures when we speak and that is excellent news.

By simplifying and “de-jargonizing” our language, we become much clearer to the audience and can therefore build much deeper, confusion-free relationships. They can evaluate and experience us exactly as they would in real life – with our non-verbal cues: accent, tone, gestures, laughter, mannerisms, the little quirks that cannot be transferred through writing.

Bottom line: when people watch our livestreams, it’s not the words we use that make the biggest impression.

Problems with the appearance and feeling of not being “camera ready”

Can I ask you something? How much attention do you pay to your looks when preparing for a regular meeting?

Depending on the general dress code of your industry, put on appropriate clothing and groom yourself to make a positive impression. Would you even think about what your voice sounds like when you speak? What is your face like What gestures will you use?

These are things that are easy to get along with and that often don’t even come to mind. They know that you will be interacting with other people – something that we are very familiar with, even when the pressure to “impress” is unfamiliar and insecure, it literally starts to “talk you out” so that you feel really uncomfortable and don’t feel ready to go live.

Even when you watch yourself on video, the chatter continues. You are not familiar with looking at yourself from the outside, so your brain will serve you every criticism in the book to justify your discomfort.

But here’s the good news: your brain is just trying to protect you from what it perceives to be the “unknown”. Start thinking about it consciously, your brain will start focusing on the fear you are feeling and trying to name them for you. It often takes the form of self-criticism.

A simple solution to this is to allow yourself to feel this feeling of discomfort and instead channel the adrenaline rushing through your body so that it becomes a little more expressive in your “performance”. Remember, most actors, speakers, and presenters – even the most famous – experience the same fear before the curtains open and they appear in the spotlight.

It’s a natural feeling that is actually very useful once you understand where it’s coming from and learn to use it to your advantage.

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Discouragement from a lack of commitment

Too many coaches and experts have told me that they don’t appear on video regularly because they feel like “nobody cares”. all other issues when there is no visible feedback from the audience.

I have to admit this is the worst, and it requires meeting our own expectations before we can see the bigger picture.

Growing up, most of us played in front of other people in some form. It could have been in a school play, giving a speech, performing a dance, or anything that was followed by a round of applause. When we were fine, there was a lot of applause. And sometimes we saw or experienced the exact opposite: the deadly awkwardness of little or no applause. Hence, we develop a link between the feedback we receive and the quality of our performance.

Because of this, it feels like when we go live but there are no or very few viewers who seem not to get involved, just like this childhood embarrassment of “not getting it right” to please the audience ie devastating and disheartening.

The facts of what actually happens when we go live couldn’t be further from that assumption. The social media world is so loud and crowded that people are too busy to pay attention every time you go live. Most of the time, your livestream isn’t a performance you give to people who have agreed to be there and watch you talk. You’ll get better participation and engagement once you’ve done the prep that each performance requires: set the time and date, and advertise your performance to your audience in advance.

But getting your business to market doesn’t always have to be training to promote. It can be a quick check-in behind the scenes of your company, a product presentation or just a thought or a tip. It doesn’t have to feel like a performance as its purpose is to connect and allow people to watch you, not to rate you or validate your efforts.

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That’s exactly what I started with. Going live regularly is key to the KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST factor growing faster as you let your potential leads and customers see you as you are in real life and eliminate the hesitation to connect with you and to work with you.

Lastly, remember that for some generations the concept of actively engaging with your video is not at all self-evident as they grew up with television culture. Passively watching a video is completely normal behavior for them. Another good news here is that for a platform that you go live on, such as Facebook, if a user is watching your video, even if they don’t participate in the comments, the platform will continue to record views as a form of engagement and she continues to show. more of your content.

I hope you can see the bigger picture now. By creating video content regularly, you will increase your visibility even if people are not used to interacting with your content through reactions or comments. Also, take into account the fact that most viewers only become more active in engaging with you after they’ve done business with you. All entrepreneurs who successfully use video strategies in their marketing confirm this. “Lurkers” watch us from afar, decide when to invite to the next step, and then often come to us with full commitment.

Persistence and letting go of perfectionism will increase your visibility and help strengthen the connection your audience makes for you by watching you on video. Seeking external feedback will only add to your insecurities and keep you from succeeding.

Which one do you choose

Related: 5 tips for creating quality video content even if you have no clue

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