How content material creation and content material curation ought to work collectively

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Most entrepreneurs now know how valuable content can be. With excellent content, you can improve your reputation, attract more people to your website, and ultimately get more conversions. In addition, your content can work synergistically with a Variety of different marketing and advertising strategies. You can use it with email marketing, social media marketing, and even paid advertising to create a better environment for your brand.

But your burden as a business owner shouldn’t be just content creation. Instead, use a mix of tactics in both content creation and content curation – related but different concepts that effectively work synergistically.

Content creation vs. curation

Let’s start by defining the differences between content creation and content curation.

Content creation is pretty easy. It’s the act of creating new content from scratch. For example, you can hire a writer to create an eBook for your brand, or you can hire your in-house graphic designer to create an infographic. These are original works specially created for your strategy and can be shared in a number of different ways.

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Content maintenanceIn contrast, the process is to find pre-existing content and adapt or manipulate it to suit your brand. Depending on your goals and the type of content you’re pursuing, it could mean sharing someone else’s content on your social media platform of your choice, adding your own comment on someone else’s blog post, or even Maintain fan contributions from your customers.

The benefits of content creation

There are several advantages to creating content, including:

  • Originality. When you create content from scratch, it becomes completely original. You don’t have to worry about your audience seeing the content elsewhere first – and you can take full account of the entire piece. It’s invaluable in building a better reputation for your brand from the ground up.
  • Total control. As a curator, you are in control of which pieces you share and publish, but you have no control over the core message of those pieces. With content creation, you have complete control over the entire piece. It is a chance for you to make what you want out of it.
  • Specialty. During the creation process, you have the opportunity to research your target audience and create a piece that speaks to them directly. You have very specific, targeted content, rather than a general piece created for someone else’s audience. This is especially important for compelling pieces.

The advantages of content curation

However, content curation also has advantages:

  • Less time required. One of the obvious benefits of doing this is that you don’t have to spend as much time on your strategic goals. Writing new content from scratch can take many hours, especially if you’re creating something that requires in-depth research. In contrast, it won’t take much time to drag an existing piece from elsewhere and add a few comments.
  • Various possibilities. The internet is a great place to be with more than 600 million active blogs and 1.7 billion websites. There is no shortage of external content so you should be able to find a wide range of sources in your preferred area. Curating content means you can take the time to find pieces and perspectives that are a perfect fit for your brand. It’s also an opportunity to broaden your horizons and review content from sources you might not otherwise have discovered.
  • Relationship opportunities. Curating content can also be a great way to further substantiate your network, meet new influencers, and build better relationships with them. For example, you can share a white paper from a trusted authority in your industry and use it as a launchpad to have a deeper conversation with them. In the future, you can share each other’s work and stimulate your audience – or even work together on a new creative piece.

Merging the strategies

Relying solely on curation or solely on creation will give you worse results compared to using a mixture of the two. These strategies also fertilize each other and reinforce the positive effects of the other. For example, as you create more original content, you will build a stronger reputation as an authority in your field. With this stronger reputation, you will find it easier to reach out to other content creators and collaborate on shared material. And as you curate more content, you are exposed to a variety of different perspectives and opinions that you can use as research on your own creations.

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When the content is at the heart of you Online marketing strategy (as it should be) you should take the time to discover the benefits of both content creation and content curation – and use both as integral parts of your campaign. The bottom line will be different for every brand, but almost every company can benefit from these strategic additions.

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