The best way to write your first weblog submit – Outbrain

You always wanted to have your own blog and use it to advertise your company or product. They know blogging is critical to SEO, thought leadership, and building authority with your target audience. But the task of actually sitting down and blogging can seem overwhelming. Especially your very first blog post.

But like everything else, blogging gets easier the more you practice. It is important to focus on getting your first blogs published as well get it right. Then you can get into the rhythm of regularly creating blog content that is high quality and engaging.

So let’s get down to the details and explore how to write your first blog and what to do to get started.

Look at your audience

There is no more important factor in blog post writing than understanding your audience and what they want to read. A blog post must offer readers added value. It has to educate, inform, entertain or offer a new point of view in order to gain traction. Remember, your blog visitors are real people, not Google search rankings crawlers. So your blog needs to be making an impact, and the best way to do that is by addressing a pain point or problem with your customers.

Do keyword research …

Now that you’ve narrowed down your topic, it’s time to focus on the keywords that searchers might be using. Use a keyword research tool like SEMrush, Moz, or Google Keyword Planner to identify the keywords that you should focus on in your first blog post.

But don’t overdo it.

Don’t let that stop you from including most of the keywords in your post. Instead, use the keywords naturally as you would in a normal conversation and let them guide you instead of dictating the flow of the post.

introduce yourself

If you are a key figure in your business or blog, don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to readers. Especially if you have an interesting backstory about your company or your product’s development, it’s great to share with your audience. People react to authenticity and real stories. Your first blog post is a great time to start on a “welcome” topic.

Create your editorial plan

The decision to start a blog is easy. It’s much harder to come up with new and original topics for blog posts on a regular basis. As soon as your blog is ready to go, invest time in creating an editorial calendar. Plan your first few weeks on blog post topics, but remember, it isn’t set in stone. You can change or adjust the calendar at any time as needed or as needed.

Get inspiration

A great way to get into the blogging zone is to read other blogs. That way, you’ll discover what content already exists and can work on refining a new angle or perspective that will make your blog original and worth reading.

A clever tactic is to read a blog that you disagree with or that has a different point of view than yours. Then write a post from the opposite perspective and really engage your readers. This can be a great way to get your first blog post excited.

Staying inspired to blog about regularly can be a challenge. cash these tips to help you keep your blog writing going.

Choose your tone and voice

Figuring out the tone and voice of your blog may seem like a daunting task, but in fact, it will become easy for you over time. Once you’ve established the overall tone of your blog (personal, current, business, formal, product-oriented?), Let your natural voice flow. Your identity and personality should show through in your writing; That makes your blog unique. So relax and don’t let the self-consciousness overwhelm you! That will only hinder your authentic style.

Add strategic links

When you link to trusted sources, you build authority over your website. Not only will these backlinks boost your SEO, but they will also show readers that your blog is high quality. From the very first blog post, make a habit of referring to authoritative, relevant, and reliable sources.

Over time, your blog will gain momentum and, hopefully, a solid readership. Make sure your blog has share buttons for all of your social media accounts. This makes it easy for readers to share your posts, which leads to more engagement and interest. Before you hit publish on your first blog post, make sure all of your social links are working.

Proofread, Proofreading, Proofreading!

There is a golden rule of blogging that every author must internalize long before they publish their first blog entry. Always edit and correct your content carefully, multiple times if necessary, to ensure that your content is free of typos and embarrassing grammatical errors. Here’s a common trick used by bloggers and writers: Before you hit publish, take a break for a few hours, or even until the next day. Then go back to the design with fresh eyes before making final changes and going live.

Add pictures, videos and interactive content

Large blocks of text can be overwhelming and tiresome for readers, even when they really want to know what you have to say. Break the text into digestible parts by adding pictures, videos or even interactive content like infographics, slideshows or quizzes. This increases interest and excitement, creates higher engagement, and encourages readers to share the post on their network.

Your blog posts should also include an author byline with a headshot and a brief bio. This creates legitimacy and trustworthiness and helps you build a long-term relationship with the readers. When you’re comfortable, add a link to your LinkedIn or Twitter profile. That way, readers can learn more about you and engage with you online, which increases your business network and maybe even your lead pool.

Encourage comments and feedback

A great way to get your blog excited is to include a comments section where readers can engage in a dialogue with you and other readers. If a reader makes comments, be sure to respond. A simple “thank you” is also appreciated. Even better, when the commenter asks a question or gives an opinion, try to turn it into a conversation. This can help you learn more about your target audience, fuel the discussion in your niche and company, and build your profile as an authority.

Your blog should have a subscribe feature so readers can subscribe to receive notifications when you post a new article. Show your readers that you welcome and value their posts, and make it easy for them to find and engage with your blog posts – after all, they’re your guests, your audience, and your inspiration all rolled into one. The stronger your relationship with your readers, the stronger your blog will be.

Don’t rush – you can only publish your first blog post once!

Take a deep breath and take your time when creating your first blog post. Especially at the beginning when you are new to blogging, you will need to invest a lot of time making sure that your content is truly clickable. Once you get the hang of it, you can probably speed up the process. You only make a first impression once – so take it easy with your first blog entry and let it shine!

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