Google says that CTR is not used for rating

Google is constant, to the years and yearswhere the click rate (CTR) is not used for search ranking purposes. John Mueller of Google was asked this again and he said, “If the CTR were to determine the search ranking, the results would be all click-baits.” He said he didn’t see Google using the CTR as a ranking signal, he said, “I don’t see that.”

John continued Twitter the other day, “If the CTR were to run the search ranking, the results would all be click-baits. I don’t see that happening.”

Here are these tweets:

If the CTR were to determine the search ranking, the results would all be click-baits. I don’t see that happening.

– 🧀 John 🧀 (@JohnMu) November 4, 2021

Yes, Google wants that Title links in the search results to be representative of the content, but doesn’t want the titles to be used in a way that makes people generate more clicks to influence ranking.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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