15 Advertising Blogs You Should Observe Today! – shoe cash

Learning from marketing blogs is a great way to understand how the marketing world works and what you can do to start marketing yourself. But that doesn’t mean every marketing blog is worth a look. Certain can be misleading in order to affect any type of competition that gets in their way.

But don’t worry, here are the top five marketing blogs that you need to follow.

1. HubSpot

The first blog that you should check out is HubSpot. They have tons of free content aimed at those who are just starting out to learn about digital marketing.

You go beyond the usual on how to market your blog style being prominent and start mentioning customer relationships and updating content. If you’re just starting out in marketing, this is a great blog to start with.

2. Moz

With more experience with digital marketing blogs, Moz is ideal for learning how to maximize your SEO. SEO stands for Search engine optimization and is intended to help you understand how to better classify your website.

You mainly focus on Keyword research and how best to write content for that keyword. They even offer a free tool to help with keyword research. You focus on getting back to basics rather than jumping straight into the latest technology that often seems to fail.

3. Neil Patel

Neil Patel would be your go marketing blog if you want to learn strategy. He built a portfolio of websites himself over the year and done everything from simply writing content to ranking and social media to improve his analysis.

He also takes the time to create videos on whatever topics he writes about. This is perfect for those who need guidance on how to read blogs. He presents accurate images and resources that anyone can use.

4. Reddit

While Reddit is technically a forum website, it’s still a great place to get valuable information from a wide variety of people in the field. There are subreddits specifically for those in digital marketing, blog writing, and even affiliate marketing. Just check their information anytime.

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5. Ahrefs

While Ahrefs is usually known for keyword and SEO tools, they also run a fantastic blog that covers a wide variety of marketing blog topics. The great thing about them is that they tend to use case studies from their content that show practical use rather than hypothetical.

Unlike their search engine tools, you can view and learn from their content for free.

Use these marketing blogs to your advantage

By looking at these marketing blogs, you can take your websites to the next level. They are offering you this free knowledge to learn and grow so that one day people will use your marketing blog as a source of knowledge instead.

If you want to learn more about making money in your spare time, be sure to check out the rest of our blog. If you know anyone with a marketing blog, be sure to share this article with these sites to help them out.

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