Tag Archives: Means

What Worker Possession Means for Trident Cafe and Booksellers

Just as the COVID-19 pandemic began to rage in March 2020, Trident bookseller and cafe in Boulder, Colorado, small businesses around the world faced a similar challenge: how to stay afloat. Employees wanted an honest financial picture of what was happening to their employer. They also had tons of ideas on how to keep the […]

What it Means and Methods to Keep away from It

Shadowbann zu bekommen ist der schlimmste Albtraum eines jeden Social Media Managers. Sicher, die meisten sozialen Plattformen bestreiten, dass das Shadowban wirklich überhaupt eine Sache ist. Wir haben es sogar selbst versucht Werde auf Instagram schattenbann, ohne Glück. Aber es gibt viele, viele, viele Menschen da draußen, die fest davon überzeugt sind, dass der Schatten […]

What Juneteenth Means to Us

With regard to Juniteenth, we asked Bluescapers what this day, which is now a national holiday, means to them. What does Juniteenth mean to you? “June is a reminder of our dark past and a celebration of our collective ability to overcome. It means we have come a long way, but we can and must […]