Which Bing Chat Mode Ought to You Use?

A few weeks ago, Microsoft added three tones or modes of response to the Bing Chat feature; balanced, creative and precise. Yesterday, Mikhail Parakhin, the CEO of Bing, explained the thinking Microsoft Bing has behind when to use each Bing Chat mode.

He said laid out on Twitter Microsoft’s “current thinking about Bing Chat modes.” He said:

  • balance: best for the most common tasks, like search, maximum speed
  • Creative: whenever you need to generate new content, longer output, more expressive, slower
  • Precise: most factual, minimizing conjectures

These descriptions differ slightly for what Microsoft lists on the Bing Chat screen, which are currently:

  • balance: Responses are reasonable and coherent, balancing accuracy and creativity in conversation
  • Creative: Responses are original and imaginative, creating surprise and entertainment for you
  • Precise: Resppnses are factual and concise, prioritizing accuracy and relevance for you

So if you want the fastest responses, go with balanced mode.

Our current thinking about Bing Chat modes:
Balanced: best for the most common tasks, like search, maximum speed
Creative: whenever you need to generate new content, longer output, more expressive, slower
Precise: most factual, minimizing conjectures

— Mikhail Parakhin (@MParakhin) March 16, 2023

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