The Season To Get To Know Your Customers

“Get to Know Your Customer Day” happens on the 3rd Thursday of every quarter (January, April, July, and October). As your business scales and your customer base grows, this day serves as a great reminder to maintain those personal relationships with each contact.

Send a little personalization this holiday season

As the year is coming to a close and life begins to get busier (as it always does), it’s important to remember the 1:1 customer relationships you’ve worked so hard to build. For this quarter’s Get to Know Your Customer Day on October 20th, we’ve provided some great tips to get to know your customers a little bit better during the winter season.

Check out our top 5!

1. The weather is chilly, but don’t let your contacts go cold!

Your contact lists continually grow alongside your business and so does the importance of your personalized connection with each contact—especially as the relationship grows older.

Consistent, creative communication with each of your contacts not only keeps your business top-of-mind but also sends the message that you care about growing and developing your relationship with them.

Henry Reith, CEO of sustainable doggy bag business, Oh Crap, needed to keep customers coming back for repeat purchases. So, depending on what size package a customer ordered, he was able to estimate when they might run out of doggy bags and need to buy again.

Utilizing ActiveCampaign, Henry built automations based on these different estimations. He could then use post-purchase check-in recipes to remind customers when it may be time to renew the purchase—conveying Oh Crap’s care and attention to their individualized needs.

Post-purchase check-in flow

Maintaining personalized connections with new, old, and lost customers can seem daunting and time-consuming. But, ActiveCampaign offers a range of engaging apps and integrations to make keeping in touch with your customers a breeze:

  1. Strike When The Iron (Or Engagement) Is Hot!

Do you get stressed when seeing Halloween decorations in August? Or when seasonal decor is still lingering come March? Chances are, untimely holiday messaging stresses your contacts too!

While there’s nothing wrong with keeping holiday cheer around as long as possible, you may want to strike the iron while it’s hot when it comes to your customers. Sending timely holiday coupons, abandoned cart notifications, and messaging that aligns with their timelines can provide you with lots of invaluable information. You can learn what special presents they’re searching for this holiday season and help them score that perfect holiday deal!

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Laura Roder, founder of Paperbell, helps life and professional coaches successfully run their businesses. But since she’s based in the UK while many of her clients and prospects are in US time zones, she knows that timely messages are key. And the answer to this? Predictive sending!

Predictive sending analyzes email sending and opening to select the highest engagement point for emails. It can automatically identify when your contacts are active and most likely to interact with your content. By utilizing predictive sendingLaura has the peace of mind that her messages will be sent at the perfect time for each contact—no matter where they live.

With predictive sending, you can also ensure your holiday emails are being delivered at the correct time, and your customers won’t be annoyed with early or outdated holiday content.

Increase end-of-year sales and improve contact engagement by adding other time-sensitive recipes and integrations to your holiday emails. Use the coupon carriers integration to send timely coupons when new contact tags are added or the holiday abandoned cart automation when a customer leaves behind their cart during a special holiday sale. You’ll gain more key information about your contacts, and they’ll feel seen and appreciated as they engage with your business!

2. Forms, Forms, Forms

There’s no better way to get to know your customers than to simply ask them! By integrating and utilizing forms, you can garner invaluable customer information that allows you to further segment and personally message your contacts.
Bruno Riether and Gabriel Simoes, founders of a Escola de Sitesused integrated forms to collect lead data via the forms feature and sync it with their contact information already stored in ActiveCampaign.

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With more information about each contact, Riether and Simoes were able to take advantage of customer segmentation to assign unique tags and create more personalized messages—such as pushing new contacts through a welcome drip series automation or sending content based on their intended use of their services.

Rafael pointed out, “The possibility of creating custom fields to segment our audience and use that data to define our buyer’s journey is one of the main reasons we chose ActiveCampaign. This helped us right from the start.”

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3. Give A Little, Get A Little!

Get to know your customers through great Black Friday sales and deals! Not only is offering discounts during the holidays a great way to get your foot in the door with new contacts, but it also gives great insights into customer purchasing habits and provides you with a whole new year to get to know your customers even better.

Implement the Black Friday lead generation discount form flow and offer new customers a special discount incentive for signing up during the Black Friday season. Once your new contacts have opted in and received their discounts, you can segment and thank new customers for joining while thanking previous customers for being loyal and engaged.

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With the beginning of a great relationship established, you can continue utilizing ActiveCampaign to send amazing deals and maintain your personalized 1:1 relationship with each customer.

Matt Giovinisci, founder of Swim University, utilizes DeadFunnel to get to know his customers throughout the year. This integration provides Matt with insights on how people came to his site and where they are in their customer journey. With this information, he can send personalized offers and coupon codes with deadlines tailored to their own personal journey.

But the options don’t stop there! You can continue to get to know customers’ favorite products, wants, and wishes all year long! Connect amplifiers with ActiveCampaign to segment your contacts based on purchase data and send targeted and truly personalized messages about shipping updates, new offers, and backordered or low stock products on the items they really want.

Continuing to give back to new and returning customers with these features allows you to really get to know your customers, their buying habits, and the products that mean the most to them. All while continuing the magic of the holiday season throughout the entire year!

5. Birthdays are Holidays, too!

Getting to know your customers’ birthdays and other special milestones is a great way to make them feel special throughout the year. And it’s a great way to use forms to collect even more valuable customer information!

When contacts opt-in to your newsletters, websites, and other content, use forms to note when they first became customers, anniversaries, birthdays, and other important dates. Then, with ActiveCampaign integrations, you can be a part of making these days extra special!

Be the first to wish your contacts a happy birthday with a virtual birthday card! Use WooCommerce to create a personalized birthday coupon and include it in the card. With specified birthday rules for the coupon, your contacts are sure to feel appreciated!

ActiveCampaign offers a range of other integrations, automations, and recipes that you can use to learn what special days mean the most to your customers!

Find the ones that are perfect for your business:

Find out how ActiveCampaign can help you create great customer relationships and grow your business today with ours 14-day free trial.

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