Why You Ought to Do Seed Testing

You’ve sent your email campaign, and now it’s time to check your metrics—99% delivered. Fantastic! The next questions you’ll most likely ask are, “What happened after my email was delivered?” and “How do I tell if it went to the inbox or the spam folder?”

We can help.

Twilio SendGrid and In box monsters have teamed up to ensure you have the answers to those very important questions. After all, with a proven track record of offering inbox placement monitoring at over 75 inbox service providers (ISPs) worldwide, automated seed testing is a breeze, thanks to Inbox Monster’s intuitive API integration process.

How to set up inbox placement tests

Through Inbox Monster’s integration with SendGrid, marketers can set up automatic inbox placement tests in a few clicks. It takes little-to-no time to set up and can provide you with powerful insights. Here’s how:

  1. Log into InboxMonsters
  2. go to client settings > integration
  3. Click on SendGrid
  4. Enter the API key.

That’s it!

With the integration set up, a user can click the Play button within the Inbox Monster dashboard, select the domain they’d like to test, input the content, and then choose to run a one-off inbox placement test. Or, a user can set up a recurring inbox placement test for a specific sending domain.

When the test is complete (usually within 60 seconds), Inbox Monster’s Campaign Analysis view showcases the inbox placement rates for the campaign. If you notice spam placement at a particular inbox provider, no need to worry. SendGrid’s Deliverability Service team can help you diagnose the issue and come up with a remediation plan.

In addition to inbox placement results, the Campaign Analysis report also measures a variety of other Deliverability KPIs that help marketers understand why issues occurred, including:

  • content analysis
  • Email authentication pass/fail
  • Spam trap hits for the campaign
  • Reputation score (Google and Microsoft)*
  • Active block listings on the domains and IPs at time of send

*The reputation score at Google and Microsoft is dependent upon prior setup and integration of Google Postmaster Tools and Microsoft Smart Network Data Services, respectively.

Setup notifications

We know everyone gets busy and might not have time to manually look at seed test results on a recurring basis. Thankfully, you can set up highly customizable notifications that will bring this important placement information to you. These notifications allow you to receive alerts via Slack and email regarding inbox placement results, block listings, spam trap hits, reputation changes, and more.

Get access to seed testing with Inbox Monsters

Ready to get immediate access to seed testing with Inbox Monster? CContact Sales today to purchase a recurring deliverability service package.

With guidance from a Twilio SendGrid Deliverability Consultant, along with metrics and insights from Inbox Monster, you’ll be well on your way to getting the most out of your email program.

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