The Mercury’s Sound Off for Sunday, December 19 – The Mercury

Gov. Wolf’s new plan for a carbon tax on power plants will just raise the price of electricity to every home and business. Green energy sources are significantly more expensive. Met-Ed’s price to compare is $ 07.11. The cheapest 100% renewable provider is $10.46. He wants to make green energy sources price competitive. Do we really need a 40% price increase for our electricity?


Still waiting after a year and thousands more Covid deaths than last year for Joe Biden to shut down the Covid virus like he promised during the campaign. More people have died this year than last and Joe Biden has done nothing effective to stop it. Where is a push to develop more therapeutics to save lives? There is none! He obviously doesn’t want it to end.

Billy G.

Durable Good Inflation hit an all-time record thanks to Joe Biden’s minders. Durable goods went up in price by 14.9 percent for the year versus the previous record of 14.4 percent in 1975. Biden’s minders’ bankrupting the USA. The cost of living adjustment for Social Security came in at a paltry 5.9%. A good portion of that will be taken right back by the largest Medicare Part B increase in history.

Michael Stern

For nearly 40 years, at the behest of feminists and underpinned by flawed data, Democrats have emasculated and marginalized our boys. Among consequences? Suicides at 5X the level of girls and record low college attendance(only 41% male). Now, at the insistence of LGBTQ ideologues, they are coming for our girls on athletic fields and elsewhere. When not bullying kids for political advantage, the left exploits them as useful props.

M. Furlong

It looks like unless there is a drastic change in Congress we are doomed to incur another virus pandemic from a laboratory. No one in the Democrat party appears to be interested in finding the source/cause of the Covid-19 virus, although most of us have a strong suspicion that it originated in a lab in China and was probably funded by Lord Dr. Fauci.

Donna Rubin

For years some Democrats railed that the Democrats were accused of being either soft on communists or being communists, themselves. Republicans were accused of red-baiting. Here we have Sen. Dick Blumenthal (D-Conn.) getting an award from the Communist Party USA and he is proud of it. A 100 million dollar Marxist! Go figure. That says a lot.

Bob from Boyertown

Text messages from Republican Congress members to Mark Meadows, chief of staff, on Jan 6th: “ Hey, Mark, protestors are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?” “We are under siege up here at the Capitol.” “They have breached the Capitol.” “There’s an armed standoff at the House Chamber door.” What was Trump doing? Watching it happen on TV.


Attention tinfoil hat Fox viewers: Fitch, Minninger, Otis and the rest of the Fox kooks need to get out more. We never see an original thought from you people. You just repeat the lies they tell you and you then write into Sound Off. There’s a big world out there, put a mask on and explore it, snowflakes.


After reading the David Ignatius column in the Mercury on Tuesday, I double-checked to see if I was reading the Opinion page or another kooky Sound Off screed by Lefty or Patriot54. Ignatius fails to acknowledge that it was Obama and Biden who were in office in 2014 when Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea. Obama and Biden gave Ukraine blankets to defend themselves. The bulk of what Ignatius writes is just leftwing claptrap.


It’s all Joe Biden’s fault. He signed orders slapping 25% taxes on everything coming from China. He told the people to not get inoculated, to not wear a mask and to give each other wet kisses. He ordered multiple storms to pummel the gulf coast refineries. He ordered hackers to shut down the biggest oil pipeline on the east coast. He ordered the long shore-men and truck drivers to work at half speed. He bites.

David M.

Afghanistan withdrawal, 13 servicemen killed, US drone kills 10 Afghanis, Americans left in Afghanistan, worst inflation in 40 years, 2020 riots (25 dead, $2 billion in property damage), 2 million people come thru our open border illegally, 100K overdose deaths from heroin and fentanyl, election irregularities, vaccine side effects, MSM and Big Tech censoring, historic crime rates, all Trump voters and most school-age parents are terrorists. No accountability is needed except for January 6th. Why?

H. John

Lefty writes that Trump doesn’t even attend Bob Dole’s funeral. Poor Lefty, so out of touch, so brainwashed, so sad. Bob Dole’s funeral was invitation-only and your idols did not invite him. TDS is real and he should seek help.


The President held nothing back. His campaign spread like wildfire. His crowds were enormous. The people seemed with him. His opponent, consistently up by 10 points in the polls, stayed mostly at home, sat on his lead, seldom campaigned, and generated no enthusiasm when he did. The year was 1948, and President Truman won an astounding victory. Of course, President Truman didn’t have to deal with that travesty known as mail-in voting.


It’s hard to understand why Republicans like death so much. We have different ways to control Covid, but they’re fighting them every step of the way. Why would anyone invite death when you have ways to avoid it? Seems like a drastic way to gain political points.

I recall when Joe was selected by establishment media types like Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos and Rachel Maddow the phrase “America’s better angels will elect Joe Biden.” Joe and Kamala are the worst I can recall. I really don’t care anymore. The blundering will get worse. I hope the silent majority gets off our collective behind and smashes the Democrats at the polls in 2022.

Larry from Limerick

Another doozy from Pelosi. “Our country could not be better served than with this most experienced and capable hands than yours, President Biden. He’s just perfect. The timing couldn’t be better.” You just cannot make these things up.


Liz Cheney recently visited New Hampshire. Evidently, she has aspirations of running for the presidency in 2024. It is very confusing that she would think she has a shot at the GOP nomination for president. She is likely losing her House seat in Wyoming to a primary challenge in spring. So is she running as a Democrat or a Republican for president? Or just delusional? Or just confused? Or just nuts? I suspect the latter.

Confused Melissa

Cornell University reported that it had to close down its main campus due to 903 students contracting Covid-19 and most of them were vaccinated. My guess is they were all vaccinated so there goes that dumb idea of mandating vaccination in order to attend any college.

Adam Schiff is on the January 6 committee. Some have accused him of fabricating text messages and I think that is a lie. He only fabricated a screenshot that didn’t exist, deleted half a sentence, added punctuation where there was none, deleted two paragraphs, and had no clue it wasn’t even written by Jordan … aside from that, it was exactly as written. So please stop calling him out.

Dan Fields

Minninger, you are absolutely correct that the gun violence in this country is totally out of control. It seems as though the right to bear arms is superseding the right to walk down the street without getting shot. Both Republicans and Democrats need to stop the blame game and work together on gun control.

A recent Sound-Offer commented on the beautiful street decorations on various Main Streets. Once again, Collegeville’s Main Street is bereft of seasonal cheer. (except for a sparsely-decorated tree). I wonder why that is? Merry Christmas, everyone!


It’s the end of the year and you want to look back? You mean the thing that killed Lot’s wife?

Bill Wilson

Is nothing sacred anymore? Obviously, Mr. Jim Fitch doesn’t think so, otherwise, why would he have paid such low regard to the Holy Scriptures in order to make a worthless joke? Now, if Mr. Fitch would care to right his wrong by offering an apology, then it would be fine — because to err is human, to forgive divine. Amen?

So glad that Joe Biden has brought a uniting tone to the White House and all those mean tweets are history. Yesterday he said this: “Get ready pal. You’re in for a problem.” First of all, I am not his “pal” and second, I already know I have a problem. Inflation is front and center, I just got my heating oil bill and it was $635 thanks to Joe and no more mean tweets.

Sue W.

Now that most Americans are fully cognizant of the grave mistake that was made in electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to head up the Executive Branch, and picking radical democrat socialists to Congress, the Senate and governorships, one can only pray that all moral and sane citizens (Democrats, Republicans, and Independents) correct this error starting in 2022 and continuing through 2024.


Warning to all you kids. When you stop believing in Santa Claus, you’ll start getting socks and underwear for Christmas! Just giving you a “heads up” from personal experience.

Jim Fitch

Sound Off is an opinion forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communities The Mercury serves on topics of general interest in those communities and the world beyond. We will not publish comments that are potentially libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropriate. Submissions are subject to editing and must be under 75 words in length. Publication of Sound Off submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to Please use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email.

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