The Altering Panorama and Enterprise of search engine marketing – ShoeMoney

SEO is an aspect of internet marketing that is constantly changing, but it is also the same. SEO is the practice of investing the time, work, and effort required to get a website in a higher organic position on Google. And while this is one of the most obvious and simple things we can say about SEO, at its core it just keeps changing.

One of the best ways to look at this would be to look at a zoomed out history of the internet for the past 20 years. Much has changed and little remains the same. SEO and email are probably two of the most enduring aspects of the internet two decades later.

But even though the process of search engine optimization is over two decades old, it is still a process that not many people, website owners, and businesses can truly master.

Today we’re going to take a look at some of the most important things to keep in mind when trying to make it through the world of SEO in 2021 and beyond. Read through the recommended practices, expert tips, and resource guides listed below to improve your efforts and results.

Google is SEO … and they make the rules

As mentioned earlier, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization – this is the process of putting in the necessary work and effort to meet the needs of Google and how they rate and rank websites in search results. And while the SEO concept is mostly focused on link building, the algorithm created and managed by Google is constantly changing.

Actually, according to Hubspot, there are now over 200 different factors that Google considers when ranking websites on Google, and over the years this algorithm has received thousands of updates.

This is important to note as there are many websites, marketers, and link builders out there trying to play the system and improve their rankings quickly. Most of the time, these are just wasted efforts.

Google has everything you can think of to make sure their rankings are more accurate than ever. And as long as Google can deliver the best search results and value to its audience, Google will continue to be the best and biggest search engine in the world.

The Billion Dollar Industry of SEO

Getting listed on Google’s first page for every search term is quite a unique and amazing task. There are currently more than a billion active websites and blogs on the internet and fewer than 10 organic rankings on the first page of Google. With search results so limited, everyone is looking for their own spot.

For the most part, companies and brands of all sizes outsource this type of work to SEO agencies. And for good reason, because a company should focus on its services and products, and outsource marketing and advertising to those who specialize in them.

But the world of SEO and the business and services associated with it are also changing drastically. We can see this clearly when we look at one of the most popular SEO services out there that traditionally focus on on-site technical SEO, keyword research, and link building – but don’t expand to include site audits, reputation management, social media mentions, and more.

And it’s not uncommon for agencies to now also promote pay-per-click marketing services – for those customers who simply don’t have the necessary SEO basis to achieve their organic goals in a timely manner.

While Google generates billions of dollars annually with its search engine and paid positions, they have also paved the way for billions more using SEO services that are also offered by millions of agencies and freelancers.

Great content will only get you so far

Great content is the foundation of everything on the internet. Because of this, people visit a website, search Google, and even browse endless feeds and updates on social media.

When you break it down, there really are only three reasons someone might use the internet or search for something on Google: to find information, to buy something, or to be entertained.

And in each of those cases, they’re all served through original content – and that’s what Google looks for when trying to deliver the best content to its audience through search results. It’s also not just about creating the best content for your audience, it’s also better content than what’s already out there.

As you can imagine, with over a billion active websites on the Internet, every possible topic has been written and discussed multiple times. The difference between a site ranking on Google’s first page for a topic and ranking on page 10 often depends on how that content is packaged and served.

However, if you ever attend an SEO conference or talk about “marketing gurus” about a website’s online ranking, they often say “focus on creating great content”. While this may be true, it is only the basis for ranking content in Google.

Think of your website like a pizza. The bread would be the content and the sauce would be backlinks while the cheese would be social media. Without one of these elements, you simply won’t get the same result.

You can get the best content ever written, with the most beautiful graphics and even videos … but if no one links to that content or shares it on social media, how will it ever be found? You will not.

How to get the most out of your SEO efforts

At the end of the day, Google and the concept of SEO are going nowhere. What will change are the many different ways that people continue to search for and consume content – while also affecting the ranking and optimization of websites.

With so many different moving parts and ever-changing key factors, it’s important to make sure that you focus your efforts on the right spots. That means avoiding the quick tips and tricks to get rankings up overnight and focusing on the SEO best practices that keep working year after year.

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