Google does not deal with all uppercase headers otherwise

Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that he doesn’t think Google is doing “something special with capitalized headings”. So if you want to scream your headlines in UPPERCASE, do it.

Adam Riemer asked, “Is a website that uses all uppercase letters for branding for H tags and product titles viewed as different from a website that uses the correct case in its text?”

John Mueller replied, “I don’t think we’d do anything special with headings in capital letters, but it feels like you want to do it in CSS instead of the content as it’s more about the styling.”

Here are these tweets:

I don’t think we’d do anything special with capitalized headings, but it feels like you want to do it in CSS instead of the content as it’s more about the styling.

– 🧀 John 🧀 (@JohnMu) September 15, 2021

Of course, your HTML can display the text in whatever cases you want, and capitalize it in CSS if you want. For SEO reasons it doesn’t matter.

You might want to see this article from over a decade ago To this topic.

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