Beginning and Constructing a Area of interest Regulation Apply

For lawyers looking to expand and grow their law practice, their first thought may be to broaden their marketing efforts and client base. Offer more services to more people and your practice is bound to grow, right? Wrong.

You can’t be all things to all people. Intead, lawyers should dig deeper, narrow their focus, work to develop their relationships, grow their expertise, and establish their niche. In this episode of Litigation Radio, host Dave Scriven-Young chats with litigation attorney Matthew Zorn to discuss how building a niche practice is one of the best ways to develop a profitable law practice and better serve your clients.

Matthew Zorn is a partner at the firm Yetter Coleman LLP, where he represents plaintiffs and defendants in a variety of commercial litigation matters with an emphasis on IP, patent, and regulatory litigation.


Quick Tip from the ABA Litigation Section: Indemnification and its Interplay with Insurance Provisions and Third-Party Contracts

Insurance provisions are some of the most important provisions in third-party contracts. In this “Quick Tips” segment from the ABA Litigation Section, Latosha Ellis shares one of the easiest ways to avoid litigation and effectively manage contractual risk. Hint: it involves continually reviewing and improving your third-party contract language, including the alignment of insurance policy terms with contractual obligations.

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