13 methods to persuade a literary agent to signify you

You tried cracking the code to get a literary agent’s attention, be it on an inquiry or a face-to-face meeting, right? You’ve spent a long time searching for the secret of getting an agent to sit up and say, “Wow!”

Now that I’m in a good mood, I risk marginalizing my colleagues by breaking the agents’ code of secrecy.

Here you are: 13 surefire ways to impress a literary agent

1. Make your idea feel fresh

Everyone knows that there are very few completely new ideas. That’s fine – you just need to present your idea from a new angle, with a different twist than what’s already out there, and with a fabulous writing style that unique YOU.

Even if your topic already contains numerous books, be careful that it doesn’t feel derived. Whatever makes your book unique, highlight it in your request, pitch, and suggestion.

2. Follow the submission guidelines

It’s SO obvious, but you’ll be amazed how many people never read it. Virtually all agents have submission guidelines on their websites telling you what genres they represent and what type of materials to send.

3. Know your audience

Who are you writing for Your pitch should show that you know what your audience is looking for. When writing nonfiction, you are clearly addressing the “felt need” of your intended reader. As you write fiction, pay attention to other books your audience may read and know where your book fits them. (Click here to tweet this idea.)

4. Be present on social media …

… and add specific statistics if necessary. This means the number of followers on the major social sites and information on blog traffic and comments. If you’re a novelist, having big numbers isn’t necessary, but showing that you are comfortable with interacting online is still important – you will need that skill when your book comes out. However, if you are a non-fiction author, you should wait to query until you …

5. Have an impressive platform

You may have a strong online presence through blogging, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media. Or you have a real world platform in which you speak in front of an audience or write for important national publications. Maybe you have a database with 10,000 email addresses You have gathered personally through networking or are a proven or award-winning expert in your topic.

Whatever it is, as a nonfiction writer, your best chance of success is if you’ve already built an audience of potential buyers for your book.

6. Add links to videos where the literary agent can see you speak

Speaking of YouTube, it’s always nice to be there, especially for you non-fiction authors. Or you may have some videos in other places online. The point is, it is to your advantage to show yourself as you speak or interact as it is ultimately part of promoting your book.

7. Show that you understand today’s writer marketing needs

The days when you could say, “I’m ready to take part in this 12-city book tour that the publisher is arranging.” It is beneficial when you can show your willingness to immerse yourself in your book and through your networks and Promote your book personally within your sphere of influence.

8. Show at least some superficial familiarity with the literary agent you are offering

That doesn’t mean you have to mention their dog or their latest tweet about Nutella. (I hope I’m not the only agent doing this.) That means you should have an idea of ​​what he represents, who his agency is, and if he’s one of the many agents who blog. For additional credit …

9. Visit the literary agent’s blog

If you’ve commented on an agent’s blog more than once, the chances are they’ll recognize your name if you ask or meet them at a conference. A little familiarity is good. You will also have a better sense of who the agent is and if they are a match for you.

10. Send chocolate early and often

10. Take the craft of writing seriously

An agent wants to see a well-made and edited manuscript. Keep in mind that you may not have a realistic view of your writing without getting feedback from someone else, hopefully someone who is intelligent, relatively objective, and able to tell you the truth.

11. Know your competition

Literary agents and publishers are well aware of the wide variety of books to choose from, and they are also very adept at researching Amazon. Don’t you dare say, “There are no other books like mine” and leave it at that. You need to look out for books from the past five years that cover the same topic or similar topics or subjects, even if they don’t address the specific niche of your book.

In non-fiction, these are “competing” titles, while in fiction I prefer to view them as “comparable” titles because they don’t compete directly with each other – readers are more likely to buy both, not just one.

12. Present yourself professionally

We want you to have a personality – professional doesn’t mean boring. Be aware, however, that we are looking for writers who are serious about the publishing journey and who are willing to devote themselves to the months and years of hard work that lie ahead.

13. Have a great book


Now that you know how writers can impress agents, tell me: How can literary agents impress writers?

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