A enterprise important, not a catchphrase

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own.

Everyone is talking about experiencing and experiencing this these days. While we don’t blame you if the term “content experience” leads you to tune out, we feel obliged to tell you that it is a mistake to ignore it. In fact, even the best content in the world can’t save you from a bad content experience. To produce the former and avoid the latter, learn more about the content experience here and why it is essential for your business and your buyers.

First of all, my team and I define content experience: It is “the environment in which your content lives, how it is structured and how it gets your prospects and customers to come into contact with your company”. Second, every marketer needs to know: you are creating a content experience, whether you intend it or not. The difference is whether the experience is positive and delivers the results you want, or whether it goes wrong and possibly even unsettles customers. So with that knowledge, let’s dive into the components of a content experience.

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Your customers judge you

No, it is not your idea. The people who read your articles and watch your videos will judge you during the process. You may not consciously think it is you, but that is the power of the environment. They notice how your content appears and what it looks like. You absorb how it is packaged.

While we like to tell ourselves that we don’t judge books by their cover, there is a natural judgmental part in each of us that judges something while at the same time processing its existence. Case in point: when content or its layout is not attractive, 38% of people will stop using the website. And since many users decide whether to stay on one page or leave it within the first 10 seconds of your visit, you don’t have much time to catch them in the eye and show them something appealing.

In this context, consider the environment in which you are presenting your content. Is it designed to be aesthetically pleasing? Does it look professional? Is the layout appealing? Does it catch your attention? Is it “on brand” for your company? Does it convey trust? While the answers to some of these questions are subjective, after considering this checklist you should have a good idea of ​​whether your content environment is positive or negative.

Are you making it harder?

Next comes the structure. It’s not about whether your articles have an introduction, subheadings, and an ending. What we mean here is how your content is organized as a whole. Is it structured intuitively so that a first-time visitor to the website can quickly find what he or she is looking for? If your content isn’t in one place and is grouped by topic, role, or industry, the answer is likely no.

This is important because people act based on Motivation, Ability, and Triggers. If they’re extremely motivated to find a tutorial on how to use your product, they’re more likely to spend time searching your resources until they find it. However, if they’re only casually interested in a particular topic, you’ll lose them if the content is hard to find. Your goal should be to streamline the organization, navigation, and curation of your content so your prospects can easily find the most useful and relevant resources for them.

Another important note: how you organize your content is also important. Many companies do this by grouping similar types of content (videos, infographics, blog posts, etc.) together. But how many times have you gone to a website and thought, “Gosh, I’d love to see an infographic today!” More often than not, people think, “I want to know more about the ROI I can expect from this product. “Maybe there is an infographic about it that would be very useful. But the point is, the vast majority of people are searching by subject, not type. So organize your content accordingly and make sure it’s easily accessible.

Related: Content as a Service is the next evolutionary stage for marketing

No dead ends

Finally we come to engagement. Yes, engagement may sound like another buzz phrase, but it’s ubiquitous for good reason. If you’re building a warehouse of content but nobody is doing it, what’s the point? All you’ve done is wasting a lot of time and energy. So how do you avoid that? The best way to increase engagement is to make your content relevant.

In fact, statistics show that personalized content is being generated 20% more sales opportunities. When you customize content so it’s useful and really engages your audience, you’re showing that you understand them, respect their time, and know how to add value to them. Over time, this builds trust, which ultimately creates loyalty and loyalty.

It also means that you need to personalize your calls-to-actions (CTAs) to ensure that they are aligned with the interests of your buyers. If you overlook this, your content experience will hit a dead end. Do this well and it will force action, which is primarily the content.

Above all, remember: wherever your content can be found, it can be experienced. The only question left is how do you leverage the environment, structure, and engagement to optimize this experience and get the most from your efforts and your customers’ time.

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