Tag Archives: updating

Google Says It’s Simpler To Cease Shopping for Hyperlinks Than Updating Your Hyperlink Disavow File

Google’s John Mueller has one of his good one liners again. An SEO named Sara Taher asked him for his “thoughts on people updating the disavow file everyday?” John responded “It would be easier to stop buying links /shrug.” Here is this conversation on Twitter: It would be easier to stop buying links /shrug — […]

Google Ads is updating Sexually Explicit Content Insurance policies as Serious Policy Violations

In Google Ads, starting December 1, 2021 and through January 2022, the Sexually Explicit Content Policy Violation will be updated to Serious Policy Violation. This means that ads that violate the sexually explicit guidelines, if detected and without prior warning, can lead to an immediate suspension of the account. the Notice said, “In December 2021, […]