Tag Archives: Proves

‘Meta Verified’ Badge Proves Social Media Corporations Don’t Know Their Personal Customers

Group of teenage friends using mobile phones to communicate with college students – Diverse teens … [+]Watching phones share content through social media platforms. Youth, friendship, and technology. getty It’s a shame to confess, but my vanity plate is mine. Be careful what you think. It was included with your vehicle. I love it, actually […]

Acupuncture Proves Efficient as Methodology to Enhance Sleep Quality for Publish-Stroke Insomnia

In a randomized controlled trial (ChiCTR-IIC-16008382), 144 ischemic stroke patients with insomnia were enrolled to assess acupuncture as a treatment for their insomnia, with results showing success towards the improvement of their sleep health.1 Those randomly assigned to the verum acupuncture group (n = 72) had significantly greater improvements in sleep quality in comparison with […]