Tag Archives: Official

Your Social Media Content material Calendar and Concepts Record for Every Official (and Non-Official) Vacation of 2024

There’s nothing like a shiny new year of possibilities to inspire content creation — and a wide-open social media calendar to go with it.  Now, don’t let all those open slots intimidate you. A great way to kickstart your 2024 content batch is to note down all the year’s important official (and goofy, unofficial) holidays. […]

Google Ads Extends Government Paperwork and Official Companies Coverage To May 24, 2023

Google has extended the Google Ads Government documents and official services policy for several weeks, from March 31, 2023, to May 24, 2023. This was previously announced in late January, and we covered itbut now Google made two changes to that announcement. The two changes include: Extending the enforcement date from March 31, 2023 to […]

Microsoft Bing Official Site Label

Microsoft Bing is testing adding an “official site” label in the search results. If you search for a specific site, you may find that Bing adds to the title of the search result snippet the words “Official Site.” This was spotted by Shameem Adhikarath and posted on Twitterbut I cannot replicate it myself: I don’t […]

Your Social Media Content material Calendar for Every Official (and Non-Official) Holiday of 2023

You’ve heard it time and time again – posting on social media consistently is one of the best ways to grow your account. But it can be hard to fill up content ideas for nearly 365 days. That’s why we’ve created this holiday guide of both official and non-official holidays you can post about throughout […]

Official notice – Rock Content

I shared an update with our employees today that I want to also share publicly, thus I’m republishing it here on our blog. Here it goes: dear rockers, Today we made the decision to reduce our workforce by 15% percent. Rockers affected have already been informed and met with their leaders for clarity on their […]

Twitter Previews New ‘Official’ Grey Checkmark because it Prepares to Launch its $8 Verification Plan

On the eve of the launch of Twitter’s new $8 per month verification processwhich will enable everybody to buy a prestigious blue checkmark for their account, Twitter has recognized that there is, actually, a need for an official marker for certain accounts, as a means to combat potential fraud. But rather than revise its hastily […]

It’s Official! Shopper Area of interest Drives Development

Speaking at an industry conference earlier this month, Mark Tibergien stated, “Firms that have a niche or technical specialty are the ones growing in our industry and driving the business forward.” Mr. Tibergien, as is usually the case, has his fingers squarely on the pulse of the industry and I couldn’t agree with him more, […]

Social Media Content material Concepts for Each Official (and Non-Official) Holiday of 2022

Wir alle haben die süßen Hundevideos gesehen, die unseren Instagram-Feed am National Dog Day und die kunstvoll geschossenen Latte-Fotos zum National Coffee Day überschwemmen. Diese Feiertage werden vielleicht nicht auf der ganzen Welt gefeiert, aber sie können eine unterhaltsame Möglichkeit sein, sich online zu engagieren. In diesem Beitrag haben wir einen Kalender aller offiziellen (und […]

FTC Sends Out Official Warnings to Over 700 Manufacturers Over the Use of Fake Evaluations

As e-commerce continues to grow, so too are fraudulent advertising practices, including fake reviews, undeclared paid referrals, and other practices that violate federal law. And now the FTC is trying to step up its action on that front by sending communications to over the Commission this week 700 companies, including Facebook, Amazon and LinkedIn, about […]