Tag Archives: Hawk

#BreaktheBias – How IllumiNative Founder Crystal Echo Hawk is combating erasure of Native Americans in media – Nielsen

#BreaktheBias – How IllumiNative Founder Crystal Echo Hawk is fighting erasure of Native Americans in media – Nielsen Native Americans contribute to society every day, despite a long history of violence and erasure against their communities. This community is growing. Since 2010, the American Indian and Alaska Native populations have increased by 5.2 million to […]

Information in Clarksville: School rezoning, police standoff, empty Black Hawk and different high tales this week

CLARKSVILLE, TN – Here’s a look at the top local news stories from Clarksville Now this week. School rezoning: No boundary changes made, but district offers to ‘grandfather’ students in current zones: The plan would allow some students to choose what school they attend. READ MORE How a first-degree murder suspect can be released on bond, arrested […]